Once again were here a day before weigh in and I am wondering if I will see a loss this week, it has been a little rough with the back acting up earlier in the week but it seems to have corrected itself and the exercise has resumed. I did get a bike ride in yesterday afternoon, I rode for 21 minutes and wanted to do another 15 later in the day but that never happened, 2 kids doesn't always allow for extras, but I will try to ride twice today to make up a little bit and just for the fact that why not twice? I figure if I can find the time its all good for me right?
Intake was good for the day and I ended up consuming 1415 calories and enough brussel sprouts to put them on some kind of an endangered veggie list. I am awaiting on a ferry to leave port as it did not leave yesterday and that is the first time in a while that it has had problems at the dock, hopefully it works itself out (no pun intended) and I can have a decent weigh in come morning. I am not expecting a giant loss because of the lack of exercise this week but I am expecting a loss none the less.

I have finally come to the conclusion that its time to buy some more clothing regardless of the fact that they will likely not fit correctly in a few months, I walked past a mirror in a shirt that I have always thought fit good and welp it just plain old does not fit any more. it is a 6xl as are most of my shirts and I am comfortably in a 4xl now, I don't know what the size difference is in measurements between 4 and 6x but its huge as far as the way it looks. jeans are not as big a problem because I just poke a new hole in my belt and cinch it up a little more, though the size 56 are unwearable at this point I do have an abundance of size 50-52's that can be worn with a belt still BUT remember I am in a size 46 now so they are still big. once I hit my goal of 275 I was going to donate my big clothes to someone that could use it as I know how expensive big fella clothing can be BUT I want to make sure I won't need it any more before I do something like that, so some lucky big guy will get a care package when I hit goal weight, I figure its better than making it into rags to wash the car with. and of course I will keep 1 pair of jeans and one tee shirt to remind me how hard I worked, even to get to this point.
Another thing that has been on my mind lately is that I am thinking about looking into a profession either counseling or helping obese people to lose weight and gain control of their lives again after I hit my goal weight. from time to time through comments or emails as well as from family members I have been told that I should look into something like this and at first I thought "man I am just a fat dude trying to get healthy" but the more I think about it the more it makes sense to me to at least explore this idea and see what would be entailed in such a venture. I mean who would understand better about being 500+ pounds than a guy thats been there and worked through it? I think I could be a help to people in a field such as that so if anyone out there has an idea or has done this before I would love to hear from you on this matter.
There ya have another Thursday post by me, I do thank you as always for following along with my little adventure to thinness and hope to see a loss by the am tune in to the same bat channel at the same bat time for my numbers.
As Ever
The calm before the storm, yep its the eve of weighing in again.