Ok first things first, Its Hot! yesterday it was 101 degrees and humidity was 86% when I say that it was 101 degrees that was around 4:00 pm yesterday, lets just say that records were set for heat in June here, as I write this its around 7:30 am 80 degrees and 84% Humid. My son was dismissed from school early yesterday because of "Dangerous conditions" with the heat and they have an early dismissal today as well, now I have heard of snow days...but Heat days? it is suppose to cool down after Wednesday so I am looking forward to that and I believe a trip to the park is in order.
This morning I woke up and hopped onto the good old scale and she told me I am down a bit from Friday's weight and that is good news. 1320 calories for Monday and we made it a cold cut kind of day, having cold sandwiches for lunch and dinner so that we did not have to use the oven. I wish that I could say my back was back to normal but while playing with my daughter yesterday I tweaked it again, I was bent over next to her and she jumped up and wrapped her arms around my neck and hung off of me suddenly and that was that, the thumping back hath return. I was looking forward to a walk when the humidity went down a bit but with my back still being all twitchy I wouldn't risk it getting worse because of a walk, I can only hope it feels much better than it currently does sooner that later so that I can get the movement back into the routine. otherwise everything is on track, I am making healthy choices and feel great.
This morning I woke up and hopped onto the good old scale and she told me I am down a bit from Friday's weight and that is good news. 1320 calories for Monday and we made it a cold cut kind of day, having cold sandwiches for lunch and dinner so that we did not have to use the oven. I wish that I could say my back was back to normal but while playing with my daughter yesterday I tweaked it again, I was bent over next to her and she jumped up and wrapped her arms around my neck and hung off of me suddenly and that was that, the thumping back hath return. I was looking forward to a walk when the humidity went down a bit but with my back still being all twitchy I wouldn't risk it getting worse because of a walk, I can only hope it feels much better than it currently does sooner that later so that I can get the movement back into the routine. otherwise everything is on track, I am making healthy choices and feel great.
Here is the menu from Monday.
9:00 AM
1 banana 105
1 tbsp peanut butter 95
1:00 PM
4oz deli turkey 100
2 slices whole wheat bread 140
sliced tomato/lettuce 15
1 oz health puffs 130
5:30 PM
6oz deli turkey 150
3 slices whole wheat bread 210
sliced tomato/lettuce 15
1 oz health puffs 130
1 dill pickle 10
8:00 PM
1 zone bar 220
Grand total of 1320 calories for the day, the heat is keeping me in the house for the most part, other than random trips to the supermarket etc. I am on track to hit my goal of being under 400 pounds by the end of August and I am starting to have difficulties with clothing in the way of I don't have a lot of shirts in a big 4x that are in good condition and I do not want to keep wearing the 6x stuff and looking like a kid wearing his dads T shirt or like I am swimming in my clothing, and I definitely don't want to go out and buy $200 worth of clothing to have it not fit in a couple months, I have plenty of jeans and pants but only a couple pairs of shorts so I am struggling there as well, but the way I am looking at this is that I would rather have the problem of deciding whether or not buying clothing that won't fit very soon over the issues that come with being 534 pounds. so its not really a bad problem, more like a decision. I can't wait for Autumn when I can but ONE hoodie and wear my big clothes under it and no one will be the wiser, all though by then I should be quite a bit smaller than I am now if I continue to lose the same way that I am currently losing. there you have my post for June 10th and as always Thanks for following along with me while I change things in my life and get smaller.
As Ever
Still hotter'n shi.... oh its day 162 too.