Monday, June 9, 2008

Muggy Monday Morning Ramblings

Still rain forest like humidity here in New England I am afraid, but the weight loss plan is going strong. 1342 calories for the day ending with 20 oz of fresh watermelon, I am very happy summer is here just for all of the watermelon I get to eat. My back pain has lessened to a point where I am comfortable again so I am giving it a day or two more before I call it pain free. the boats have stayed docked for 2 days now and a launch is imminent today because if not I fear I may pop. nothing really more than that to report on this muggy Monday morning so I will give you the menu for Sunday and ye old post will be done for the day.

This pretty much sums up my mood this hot June Morning.

06/08/08 Breakfast
9:45 AM
1 Multi grain english muffin 100
1 egg 70
6 small slices of turkey pepperoni 24
omega 3 spread 20
small dill pickle 5

3:30 PM
1 Multi grain english muffin 100
2 egg 140
12 small slices of turkey pepperoni 48
1 80 calorie roll 80
1 tbsp miracle whip 35

6:00 PM
1 can tuna 150
3 slices whole wheat bread 210
1 tbsp miracle whip 35
30g pretzel sticks 130
small dill pickle/sliced tomato 15

8:00 PM
20 oz watermelon 180

Grand total of 1342 calories for Sunday, and I will be putting the downstairs AC in the window pretty much a soon as I click "Publish Post" I am in a meh kind of mood, neither here nor there, not a good mood not a bad mood just somewhere in between, did I mention that I dislike Hot Humid weather? yep, Charlie says it best. but as far as the weight loss goes, everything is on track and the weight is still coming off so I am happy about that fact. the more I think of my goal to be under 400 lbs by the middle/end of August the more I get excited about seeing a 3 instead of a 4 in the front of my weight, and yet if I do not hit that magic number? I am still cool with it, because I have lost a huge amount of weight so far and I don't see an end to my weight loss, well not until I hit goal anyways, and I Know that I WILL get to my goal because its just a matter of mind over...hmmm, well I guess mind, and I am in a state of mind that tells me that I will get to the weight that I want to. Thanks for following along with my journey to a better me.

As Ever

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