Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday afternoon, petunias and cake oh my!

This was a rare occasion that I skipped posting for an entire weekend, Saturday I was out all day and Sunday being Fathers day I was not near the lap top all day, usually I post after checking my email or when I get a minute and that just did not happen this weekend. Saturday I woke up bright and early to head off to the DMV to register a car and found out I owe $33 bucks in taxes from 1997 for one of my old cars, 1997!?! bleh, the check is in the mail and I will run back out next week to get my tags. after the DMV we decided to grab Dairy Queen for the kiddos and ended up walking around a mall for an hour and a half so I got some walking in, it was slow and relaxed but walking at any rate, then it was off to another mall and basically we walked around for 5 to 6 hours on Saturday between a couple different Malls and Cabelas. I came in at 1285 total calories for Saturday so I am happy with that intake number, and all of the walking was a nice chance at some unplanned exercise.

Sunday I went over on calories because there was a cake involved, I was at 1368 calories pre-cake, and after the cake I have no clue because I don't care and thats that. It was a chocolate cake with strawberries in the center and whipped cream on top of it, I had a large piece and I have to admit that I had a couple swipes of frosting that were not included on my piece. while in Cabelas on Saturday we were looking around and I showed my wife and son a knife that I would not mind having and it ended up being my gift for Fathers day, so I have a new pocket knife, yeah that what we will call it, a pocket knife. it is a Gerber Evo and is basically Gerbers version of the CRKT M16 knife, I did not "need" a new pocket knife, but I wanted one so it was a great gift. I also was given a tray of petunias and a balloon later in the day to go along with the Gerber, I was in a less than stellar mood in the early evening and My wife being the most perfect, sweet and caring woman that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing in my entire life knows exactly how to put me into a better mood. I now have petunias in my back yard that were planted by my daughter and myself that will remind me of how sweet wify is every time I look at them.

I weighed less on Sunday than I did on Friday but upon waking up today (Monday) I weighed the same as Friday again, thats going to get chalked up to fluctuation because I know that I did not gain 3 lbs from Sunday to Monday cake or no cake. I have been sneaking push ups into my day again and feel great about that part of my day because I can actually feel it so I know I am doing good for my body, back to business as usual I suppose. Here is the menu for Sunday.


10:00 AM
1 english muffin 100
1 80 calorie roll 80
2 eggs 140
turkey pepperoni 48
1 tbsp miracle whip 35

1:00 PM
1 banana 105
1 tbsp peanut butter 95

4:00 PM
5 whole wheat ritz 70
progresso soup 120

6:00 PM
2 gorton fish fillets 320
3/4 cup white rice 150
1 cup peas 105

7:30 PM
cake! Too much

Grand total of a bit too much for Sunday, but if averaging by the week I am probably ok because of the lower calories on Saturday, all in all it was a good weekend intake wise and just in general as well. Thanks for following along with my journey to a smaller healthier way of living.

As Ever

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Monday afternoon, petunias and cake oh my!
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