Friday, May 2, 2008

A terrible day....weighing in.

For the fat that thought it had a permanent residence on my body! it is truly amazing what one can accomplish with a little bit of determination mixed in with some drive and a side of hard work, when you stop making excuses and just do what you know needs to be done some really good things happen. I woke up this morning with high hopes that I would have lost a lot this week and man did I! I am down to 441 pound this morning! thats an eight pound loss from last week, 8 pounds?!?! to say that I am ecstatic would be cheating how I feel. I almost skipped the 40's all together and am very satisfied this morning. I cannot say that this has been the easiest thing in the world to accomplish, but I can say that it was not the most difficult either. I have worked my ass off to get to this point, I have done this for Me and my family, I did this without the surgery that just 4 months ago I thought was my only option and for those of you that have followed me along from the beginning know, fear is what was driving me, the fear is gone and its pure Drive and determination at the wheel now.

This UM V2S 650 weighs in at 441 lbs

I am healthier today than I have been in years, I can now walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded, hell I can run up that same flight of stairs now and don't even realize that I did it until I think about how I would slowly walk up the stairs damning the fact that my bedroom is on the second floor the entire time just a few months ago. another thing is my range in walking, last summer I was at a park with my wife, children and my father and we decided to go for a short walk to a broken bridge and waterfall in the back of the park, the bridge is less than 1/2 mile from the road block on a paved road, I made it half way and had to turn around because of back pain, today its a different story, now I go hiking on a trail thats roughly a mile long at a different park, with inclines and through the woods and I am carrying my daughter on my shoulders the whole time and stop only because the park is closing and we need to get out! so to say that quality of life has improved is stating it lightly.

To anyone that reads this and is struggling with a weight issue, I want you to know that You can do it. you can drop the weight thats holding you back from what you want to do. there is nothing special about me, I am not superhero weight loss guy. I did not pay someone a small fortune for their miracle fix which requires me to buy books, meal plans, gym memberships or any specialized foods. I am merely a fellow that had enough with being that token fat guy, mix up some drive with a little determination and a lot of hard work and the results will come for you.

I am going to sit here and smile for a bit, thanks for reading.

As Ever

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