Tuesday, April 15, 2008

2520 hours into this ride, AKA Day 105

Going over calories is all too easy lately, I had 1547 calories which is only 47 over the limit but if thats done each day for a week its almost 350 calories at the end of the week, so today (Tuesday) the mission will be to not go over my limit. otherwise I am doing ok, I think I am starting to get too comfortable with this way of life and letting myself slip a little too often as of late. so I think I need to adjust a bit. besides the slippage everything is on track for the most part.

Temptation comes in many forms, to some it might be a bottle of fine wine, and to others it could be the way a beautiful woman smiles at you as she walks down the street. now there are some people that temptation is a double cheese burger with bacon, onions and swiss. Hell, put all three of those scenarios together and we could be talking about a pretty good night! everyone has something that just does it for them, but every day people have to make decisions, decisions that mold their lives. giving into that bottle of fine wine may just mean that an alcoholic just fell off of the wagon and will now start drinking again, the woman walking down the street may be the affair that destroys a marriage, and that cheese burger no matter how trivial it may seem to some people might just mean that someone fails at losing the weight that is so very critical to their health, so everyone is tempted at some point. the trick is to not give into the urges and resist temptation. whats your point you ask? no point really, just some thoughts put to post, I believe that temptations and lack of self control is the biggest factor in failed attempts at something like weight loss. the other examples fall into this category as well in my opinion. Realizing that choices are yours to make and the only thing needed is the will to make it so is a very empowering thing, knowledge is power and when you have the power you are in control, I believe I have stepped across that threshold in recent months and have taken back something that I let get too far off in the distance as I idly sat watching it go out with the tide. will I succeed at this weight loss? maybe, might I fail? possible, BUT as long as I stay in control I increase the chance of success.

My intake has stayed steady and true and I have dropped a lot of weight, in fact if someone told me I would weigh this much less at the beginning of the year, I would have told them they were nuts. but here we are and the weight is gone so maybe it was me that was nuts all those years thinking that I couldn't do this. I have lots of weight to lose still but I think I am off to a good start, and I am willing to call this a start at this point.

heres Mondays menu.


7:45 AM
1 banana 105
1 tbsp peanut butter 95

12:30 PM
1 gortons fish fillet 170
1 arnold 100 calorie roll 100
1 apple 75
crystal light 15

3:15 PM
8 whole wheat ritz crackers 112
1oz vermont sharp white cheddar 110

5:45 PM
2 cups dads chicken soup 300
3/4 cup white rice 150

6:30 PM
1 banana 105
1 tbsp peanut butter 95

8:00 PM
green tea w/honey 40
1 orange 75

Grand total of 1547 calories for the day.

As Ever

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2520 hours into this ride, AKA Day 105
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