Monday, January 21, 2008

Exercise part deux

Exercise has commenced once again! I got in a 20 min bike ride along with the push ups and a 10 min stretching routine. feeling good again...wait did I ever say I didn't feel good...hmmmm Still feeling good!! :)

I gotta say, I didn't want to ride the bike today but once I got on I did 20 minutes and only stopped because I didn't want to run myself down, it is after all only Monday. the house has been full of kids running around playing all day, a friend stopped by with her daughter so I almost felt like it was going to be hard to get a ride in, but they all left to the mall and the house was/is mine!

No music today I started before I got a chance to set up the mp3 so I just watched tv while I rode today, which surprisingly made the time go by easily. nothing more to post up so I will just post a cool Alice in wonderland pic I have on my hard drive.

As Ever

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Exercise part deux
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