Thursday, January 31, 2008

Day 30

30 days down, how many to go? it doesn't really matter, now does it? I would keep this up even if the weight loss stopped, I cannot believe how good I feel since I have been doing this. I don't know if it is actually the fact that I am eating better or if its the power of suggestion because I know that I am exercising and eating better. probably a bit of both. I am still having that "getting in all of the calories" problem, the past few days I have had to eat something just so that I was not 500 calories low, which means I am satisfied at 1200-1300 calories.

I made some steamed garlic shrimp with rice pilaf and peas. I will be adding this meal to the menu more often I think. I asked my wife how it came out and her response was "It tastes like something you would buy in a Restaurant" I took that as a thumbs up ;) . later in the day I treated myself to an Anisette cookie and a glass of milk mostly to make up the calories, but partially because I Love Anise cookies! I still came in 150 calories under the allowed intake, even with the milk and cookie.

Exercise feels good, diet feels good, water intake feels good except I felt like I didn't get enough this day. I know I did though so no worries. I have stayed off of the scale, and am anxious to get on tomorrow morning. now I give you the menu.


8:45 AM
1 small banana 105

11:30 AM
2 english muffins 200
2 pats butter 70
3oz sliced tomato 15

2:15 PM
1 can Progresso south western veggie soup 120
1/2 cup white rice 100

6:15 PM
1 cup near east whole grain Rice Pilaf 220
3oz steamed garlic shrimp 90
1 cup canned peas 120
1 Dannon light & fit Cherry Vanilla Yogurt 60

8:00 PM
1 Anisette cookie 85
12oz 1% milk 165

Grand total of 1350 calories for the day, still going strong, I honestly feel that before I started this, that I was eating out of habit. sort of like "oooh theres a bag of chips, it must need eating" and I would eat it. now I eat what I need to live instead of eating what I saw sitting on the counter. I just don't want that stuff. I have also decided that on birthdays, holidays any special occasion really, that I will join in I will just watch what I eat. meaning if its my wifes birthday and we have cake, I am having a piece! I think I have adopted an eat in moderation attitude with my eating. maybe thats why I am not having as hard a time as I thought I would? I don't know, I do know that I am happy that I made the decision to do this. Thanks for reading and check in tomorrow for the "new" official weight!

As Ever

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