Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 29

Yesterday gone, Tomorrow on the way and Today is here, cookies on the shelf and I don't even want them, well maybe a little ;) another day down . feeling good about just about everything and energy levels are up, I am happy about the 6 lb loss from yesterdays weigh in and looking forward to Friday, I am weighing in again on Friday just to get on the same day as my wife as a weigh in day. I am picking up some 20 lb dumbbells later today so I can add some light arm movements to the exercises each day. its going great and I still find myself wondering what took so long to start.

I did come in under my calories for the day by more than 200 and had to eat a protein bar around 8:30 last night just so I wasn't short 500 calories! the fact that I struggle to get all 1500 calories in each day still amazes me. it is what it is :)

I got in a nice walk yesterday, rode the bike, and all the regular stuff, felt good. My wife wants to start doing Yoga so I will explore that and see if it is something that I can, or want to add to what I am doing. I don't see why not so I will update things as they happen. I will also be adding Lecithin to my intake very soon.

it was sorta a spanish theme for food for the day (not on purpose). I made spanish rice beans for lunch and had hot sauce on my fish and then we had chicken and bean tacos for dinner, everything is well and going strong with no chance of looking back, so onto the menu.


11:15 AM
1 english muffin 100
2oz sliced tomato 10
1 pat butter 35

2:00 PM
3/4 cup white rice 150
1/2 cup pinto beans 80
1 Van De Camp fish fillet 140
1 Dannon light & fit vanilla yogurt 45

3:45 PM
1 Dannon light & fit strawberry/banana yogurt 40

6:00 PM
1/4 cup refried beans 45
3 mission corn taco shells 165
2 oz sliced Tomato 15
1 oz Lettuce 10
2.5 oz of shredded Chicken 150
1 oz of onion 5
2 jalapeno slices 5
2 tbsp of Old El Paso Taco Sauce 10
1 oz of cheese Kraft Free Light Cheddar 50

8:30 PM
1 EAS Advant EDGE protein bar 230

Grand total of 1285 calories
for the day, and I had to eat a high calorie protein bar to make up some more calories last night or else I would be closer to 500 short! I find myself wishing it was warmer outside so I could go for walks every day. I want to eventually start running again and have the idea in my head that I want to run in a 5k race. there is a great park not too far from my house that has all kinds of nature trails and gardens and I cannot wait to go and walk there. there are also Aviary's, play grounds, camp sites and even a bird sanctuary with trails through it, but the park closes for the winter months so I will have to wait for spring for that. again I want to thank all who take the time to read my posts. Thanks!

As Ever

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