Sunday, January 27, 2008

Day 27

Dinner at Mom in laws..went great, she served thick pork chops with a pepper and garlic rub on them, lemon pepper sword fish steaks, brussel sprouts, sweet carrots, curry rice, tiny red potatoes chopped up and baked with some sort of garlic flavor on it, and a great mixed green salad. I finished off the meal with a cup of green tea and some chopped up watermelon, a good time was had by all, and I came in under calories for the day so I am happy. it appears that she likes these Sunday dinners that she has been inviting us to and she is extremely cooperative and understanding with the limitations that we have as far as cooking the meals go. she asks if its ok to use butter, oil, or whatever she may be using before she actually cooks it, and everything is good usually.

I drank plenty of water and Green tea today, had 2 glasses of crystal light as well, but I am trying to limit the CL and get more pure water and green tea. No exercise today, I figured I would give my body one more day of rest before I got back on the bike etc, I plan on hitting the bike hard tomorrow though maybe I will ride it twice, once at my normal ride time and once after my kids go to bed for the night, we shall see.

My body is changing, if not in appearance (I can't tell anything yet visually, wife says she can see it) in the way that I can feel my muscles again, I am aware of them and can move them all independently of each other again, that may not make sense but its the only way I can describe it. The only Visual feature I can definitely see is my calves, they have always been large from the lifting weights as well as the carrying all of this around all the time, more the latter I believe, BUT I have definition in my calves again. I am not saying they are ripped, but you can see each individual muscle again and I am diggin on that lol.

This post is turning into an epic post so I will get to the best part which is the menu! and todays menu was outstanding from breakfast right through dinner, everything was good and filling and tasted great. heres to changing things up! the omelet! man that omelet!


10:00 AM
1 whole egg 70
4 egg whites 65
2oz sliced tomato 10
1oz Kraft lite cheddar cheese 50
1 pat butter 35
1oz chopped onion 5
1 dill pickle 10

1:30 PM
1 can Progresso chicken herb dumpling soup 200
1 english muffin 100
1 pat butter 35
1oz sliced tomato 10
crystal light 10

6:30 PM
4oz broiled pork chop 240
1/2oz sword fish 20
3/4 cup curry rice 165
small green salad 30
3 tbsp lite Cesar dressing 135
4oz baked red potatoes 100
5oz brussel sprouts 50
6oz watermelon 52
12oz green tea w/sugar in the raw 1 pckt 20

9:30 PM
small lite yogurt 45

Grand total of 1457 calories for the day,
and I enjoyed every bite today! the omelet my wife made me was great and the entire breakfast including the pickle was only 245 calories! I will be making that again. I cannot feel like I am on a diet when I eat like I did today and all within my 1500 alloted calories. How could I have not done this sooner?!? I feel like I am eating better than I have in years AND I am dropping pounds! as you can see i am happy with how this whole change is turning out for me so far, I still want to see how a whole month goes knowing my weight and seeing a positive number drop, and see exactly how I am doing per week etc but so far I am happy with the results. I will end this post here as I feel like I am going on and on here lol so I just want to thank you for following along once again. Thanks!

As Ever

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