Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day 16

On the 16th day the fight was still going, apparently he had not realized the battle would feel this good! that pretty much states it all, I feel better, and think this is actually going to work. the power of suggestion? maybe, maybe not. very brave words for someone 16 days into a more than a year process huh? exercise is going well so far and I am finding more ways to eat healthy every day, This just might work! so as you can tell I am up in spirits about this whole change. I added green tea to this diet because I am reading that it can up your metabolism by 4% and can significantly decrease BMI and body fat and since I drink green tea already (just not 4 cups or 32oz per day which is recommended) I decided I can do that if it will help, so like I said I added that to my intake. I figure I will take any help that I can get right?

My mother in law found out that I am on this change last week and now my father in law found out last night, both of my parents know and the people in my home, wife and kids, and thats the only people that know other than the fine people reading this blog, I sort of have this feeling that I don't want people to know that I am trying this because if I fail everyone will know that I couldn't do it, weird huh? that is something that I am working on. why should I feel like it has to be somewhat hidden except for those close to me or that see me often? I guess its pride kicking in, and if I fail then like I said its not just me that knows I failed. BUT, I don't plan on failing this time around... "Failure is not falling down, but refusing to get up" that quote comes to mind and I cannot right now remember where I heard it but thats how I am looking at it this time. wow I woke up thinking today, let me get onto the menu before this turns into a 3 page post.


7:45 AM
1 Quaker rice cake 60

10:00 AM
1 boiled egg 70
2 slices white bread 140
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35
crystal light 5

12:00 PM
16oz Green tea with 1 tspn sugar 25

2:15 PM
1 banana 105
1 apple 75
1 english muffin 100
1 pat butter 35
1 tbsp peanut butter 95

6:00 PM
2 Van de Camp fish fillets 280
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
1/2 pat butter 20
1 cup canned whole kernel corn 120
glass crystal light 20

8:30 PM
1 Quaker rice cake 60
12oz Green tea with 1 tspn sugar 25

Grand total of 1420 Calories
for the day, I felt like this menu was a good one, I ate often so metabolism should be good and started in on the tea. I rode the bike for 20 mins instead of 15 and like I said over all feeling really good. its 17 degrees on my thermometer right now so I don't think I will take a walk today, maybe I will try 20 mins on the bike again. once again and as usual, I thank you for following my progress and keeping me writing on this blog by reading daily and leaving your comments and encouragement. Thanks

As Ever

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