Thursday, January 3, 2013

A menu and some insight.

We hopped back on that wagon so in the spirit of that I've decided that posting my daily menu couldn't hurt and maybe give you all a window into what went into me yesterday. This is something that I use to do and found it helpfull to look back for ideas on meals as well as giving me an online base to look back on and find trends in the ups and downs of weight when compared to the weight chart that I keep. The idea behind what I do is counting calories while cutting out as much processed foods as possible, if I can acheive a completely whole foods intake I am where I want and need to be and the weight seems to come off steadily, this is my goal. Going from where I am currently to a mostly whole foods intake is not an over night process, sure I can cold turkey go to whole foods but I find that weening off of them slowly "hurts" less and sticks in a more permanant way so it begins and transitioning into whole foods has begun.
Throughout this process I have kept to a lot of whole foods even when eating badly, it seems that I just eat the junk in addition to the good stuff and this I believe will make things easier to get back where I need to be as I do have a love for whole foods. You will see with my intake that I currently have a cup of coffee in the am, this has got to change back to a cup of hot green tea but like with the whole foods I am weening off of it this week and am hoping to be done with it by next Friday or so. With that long lead in here is the menu from yesterday.

7:00 AM 
        Coffee/light creamer  75
8:45 AM 
        7 egg whites  105
        7oz potato  175
        Onion/Green pepper  35
11:00 AM 
        1 Banana  125
1:15 PM 
        1 can of Tuna  120
        < 1T Miracle whip  45
        2 deli slims  200

2:00 PM 
        Greek yogurt  120

4:30 PM 
        Green Giant Cauliflower/cheese  150
        2.5oz potato  65
6:15 PM 
        2 Tortillas  200
        3oz Ground turkey  150
        1 T lite sour cream  15
        1 T salsa  25
        1/2 cup kidney beans  100
        1oz shredded cheese  90
        onion/jalapeno  15

That list comes to 1810 total calories and thats not too bad as I aim for 1800 per day, when I began losing weight I had no idea how many calories to take in and started way too low and eventually came to 1700 which worked for well for me. I decided on 1800 for now because even though I did have awesome results with 1700 I thought it was slightly low but this is subject to change as I go and may ultimately drop back down to 1700.
Getting  daily walk back into my day has to happen as well and its the plan, I set up my Cycleops trainer so that I can get my biking legs back but for now at least the rides are short to save my arse from being sore all the time and walking is such a fundimental exercise I need to make time for it.
Weighing in, as soon as I get a scale that works I will post my weight, for me I need to weigh myself often to stay in control of what I need to do day by day, some people do it once per week some don't weigh themselves at all, I am that guy that wakes up and steps on the scale to see the trend day by day. Making time to write in this blog is in my lans as well, when I started off I had zero readers like any new blog but before long I had support coming from many directions and its so important to have support that I would be doing myself an injustice if I did not utilize this as an option to connect with like minded people so the blog is going to become a priority again. Please subscribe to the blog if you are a new reader and if you are an old reader finding me on your feed again add me to your things to do list again, You can also follow me on facebook via the link at the top of the page or just search Zeusmeatball.. and add me.
Straight forward and informative is the way this post went, just something to sort of layout the plan, getting back to my old self on this blog is coming so grab a big ol glass of Green tea, sit back and watch me drop the weight.
Thanks for all of the support, it is more than appreciated.

As Ever

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