Friday, February 11, 2011

She will not have a fat daddy...

Being in the right frame of mind is something that is more important than I can stress when health is the subject, I mean hell, look at the banner on this very blog? whats it say? "Its A State Of Mind" and when life tosses obstacles our way that doesn't mean a free for all back in the direction of an old lifestyle. I don't care what anyone says about losing weight its not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination and when that proverbial shit hits the fan sometimes we lose balance and land squarely on our padded posterior but if we refuse to get up then what? Well let me splain Lucy, Shits gonna happen, stumbling on the ice will occur from time to time and eventually we will in fact get comfortable with our health situation and ease back a bit on the strict programs that we have created for ourselves but the only thing that will tear the extra padding from our bones is a lot of hard work and dedication.

There has been extensive testing done on me and as much as I would like to believe so I do not have a mechanical bone structure, I am in fact a human being, I know! I was surprised too! but alas it is true that faltering at times is part of my story. Juggling seventeen things at once like a one armed circus clown with a blindfold on inside a lions cage just comes with the territory when you are a Husband to a lovely but quite insane lady and Dad to a kid that has special needs but there are times when putting yourself first isn't really what a fella wants to or can do. In the beginning I was the priority because I honestly believed that if something did not change in my life that it would be ended prematurely because of my heart grenading or something else equally as tragic but now that I am apparently in decent shape its hard for me to push everything else to the side like I once was able to do. Do I understand that making myself first is an important thing? absolutely, is it a reality to do so when I am not in imminent danger? not so much and the fact that I have floated right around 325 pounds for about a year now is proof of that fact.

There must be a balance between getting where I need and want to be with my health and physical self and prioritizing other things in my life without leaving one or the other lacking in attention but this is easier said than done I am finding out. When I am on I am on, it doesn't take much for that to happen and I will use yesterday to this morning as an example. I have been sick and my hip has been sore from when I slipped on the ice and those two things have kept me from working out the way that I wanted to but yesterday even though my chest was all kinds of congested I decided that I was going to do some calisthenics, so I did. This morning I woke up and weighed my bowl of cereal for breakfast, made my gallon of green tea and was off to the gym as soon as the kids left for school. I rode the bike at the gym for 40 minutes averaging 96RPM's came home made a bite to eat and updated my excel sheet for what went down the hatch and instinctively sat down to write a blog post, dems is what you might call habits. I don't like saying "Good" or "Bad" habits as I believe a habit is a habit whether it be good or bad and we need to decide which ones we will keep around, but my point is that it doesn't take much for me to get back into a rhythm with my day to day.

The pain in my chest from the push ups yesterday was a reminder that this is how I live now, my hip doesn't hurt any more and the remnants of my flu or whatever it was are weak enough that its not really effecting me and I'm back in the game just like that. My excel sheet is filled out for the day not because it needs to be but more so that I have an idea of where I'm going to be for the rest of the day with my intake, again a habit that I have created over the past few years. Making my way through my days the way that I should be in order for my health goals to be reached is very important to me, even if its harder for me to plant me in that number one spot on the "to do" list these days its got to be a priority for more than one reason.

I mentioned in yesterdays post as well as hinted in earlier posts that there is a new addition to the family on the way, when I say on the way I mean very soon! Things will most certainly change for me when this wonderful thing happens, I will no longer have the freedom to go gallivanting through the wooded trails all willy nilly on a whim as I will have stay at home dad duties to attend to. Getting creative with working out at home will very likely need to happen for me, of course I will still get out on the trails, it will just be more of a scheduled time sort of activity and most likely later in the day when I can have the lovely Mrs. take over with the bundle of joy but that's a hurdle to be jumped when it gets here.

From the beginning I have written this blog for me, I have kept anything not weight loss/health related out of it and it will likely remain that way but this post has a tad more personal stuff in it than normal but I felt that I needed to write it out so that I can re-read it to keep me on track in the future. Some health blogs are written with intentions other than losing weight and getting healthy even if the writers elude to this fact and others are purely from the heart sharing personal stories related not to health and or weight loss but a bit more of personal lives than I am usually comfortable sharing. I started writing this blog because I needed to do something to save my life and continue to do so for the same reasons as I had from Day 1 What ya see is what ya get and everything I write here is as real as a punch in the face regardless of whether the masses agree or not. I'm not into guest posts, shilling for products or telling anyone that reads this blog that I use X Y or Z when I don't but if you want an honest point of view from a guy that use to be 534 pounds I might just have what you're looking for here.

As Ever

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