Tuesday, October 5, 2010

You could spend your entire life walking around in the nowhere land of self doubt.

Or you can get your ass up and do something about a situation that you ultimately do have control over, I mean it, YOU control how you live life and there is only one go at it so why not make it count? In the beginning I was doubtful that I would be successful with this whole weight loss game yet I kept going and upon doing so I found out that as long as I did my part the rest sort of happened, when I didn't do my part, well the rest stopped happening, simple right? sort of.

There are challenges that each and every one of us face on a daily basis and we somehow make it through to the next day each and every time but with weight loss it feels different, the word that comes to mind is impossible. It takes months or even years to put the weight on and we expect it to come off over night and honestly in the beginning it felt like it was! My experience with weight loss and gaining a better place within the health spectrometer has been very eye opening for me. When I was 500 plus pounds and feeling like there was no way out compared to how I see things now I sometimes can't believe that is how I felt after coming to the realization that my health is heavily dependent on what I do to keep it where it needs to be.

Its hard when you weigh 500 pounds and almost everything hurts, emotionally and physically to get up and do something about it but if you are wearing those shoes and are reading this trust me when I say that the pain only lasts as long as you let it. We doubt ourselves every day when we weigh as heavy as I did when I started down this road and that doubt will keep us from our goals all day long, know that when we apply a healthy eating regimen along with some movement then follow through with that plan that the weight has no choice other than to evacuate from our bones. There is a lyric that resonates through me almost daily, it goes like this "When you start to doubt yourself the real world will eat you alive" in many of our cases where we are extremely over weight while the real world is eating us alive we are eating ourselves to death, its as simple as that.

I am not super weight loss guy and I only know what I have learned in the last couple years about health and weight loss, I hold no degrees in this field and I am not a doctor but I do know from my own experiences that as long as sitting on my ass was my sport of choice that things were getting worse by the day. Losing weight and keeping it off is a full time job and not an easy task by any means, it is a daily struggle and takes a shit load of dedication along with a lot of hard work so when you start down that road don't expect it to be bunny rabbits and baby chicks else you are setting yourself up for a let down. I will say that how you will feel and all of the things that are possible after losing a sizable amount of weight is more than worth the struggle, sweat and pain that needs to be put into the process.

Stop doubting yourself and what you are capable of this very second and get up off of your ass right now, not later, not in a minute and certainly not after you finish your muffin! and do something for your health, for yourself, for your life!....ANYTHING! but do it now because we only get one go at this ride called life and its shorter than we want to believe.

As Ever

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You could spend your entire life walking around in the nowhere land of self doubt.
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