Thursday, September 30, 2010

Weigh in for the start of a new run at 275.

So lets get right to this, today is the day that I said that I would step on the scale for the blog once again and there has been some back sliding when that raw number comes into play but it is what it is and it shall begin once again. She looked up at me with her single blue eye and then the 0.0 let me know that she was ready to feel it, the display flashed not unlike a wink and it was on. I started with my right foot and then the left, this ol girl has a foot fetish for sure and she started spinning from the weight of my pushing onto her, then that blue eye looked up at me and displayed 334.4 pounds and it was over just like that.

This number is significant in the way that it means that I am starting off on this leg maintaining a 200 pound loss for the books and that's fine by me, it means that I have 59 pounds to lose to get to that magical 275 pound mark. I have decided on April 1st as a good time line to shoot for because having goals seems to help me stay focused, April 1st gives me 26 weeks which means a 2.26 pound loss per week average will need to be met in order to hit that mark in that time frame. Two and a quarter pounds per week should be doable with a little careful planning and lots of bustin' ass in the gym and on my bike, in fact I think that I could likely shave time off of the goal if I am careful.

With this new run at 275 pounds I will be weighing in every Friday again just like when I started this blog, I am in fact going to be focusing on weight training a bit more now compared to when I was a 500 pounder so I am unsure what that means for the losses but we will find out together. The addition of a weight chart on the left side of the page will help me keep up with where I am at a glance of the blog, I used that previously and I found it to be of use so its coming back.

The time has come to realize that original goal of weighing 275 pounds and I have given myself an achievable time line and realistic goals so its on. Giving a good hard push to get myself where I need to be is priority one because I deserve to see how 275 feels on my bones and I will not stop until I get there.

With that the beginning of the end of the rest of the fat that is hanging in there has begun.

As Ever

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Weigh in for the start of a new run at 275.
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