Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hey fat boy! the gym is that way!

Plugging right along with this whole weight loss gig, this weekend has not afforded me the chance to write you fine folks or myself a blog post but fear not! I hath return from my long weekend away! My mother is here visiting from California and that's added to the lack of time to myself but my plan stands, full forward until I get to my goal of 267 pounds which will be 50% of my highest weight. My return to the gym has been great! having the kids back to school is great on more than one level because I am getting all kinds of home projects done in addition to the being able to have a normal gym schedule again. Friday I did miss the gym because I hyper extended my left elbow somehow and woke up Friday morning with some pain and discomfort so I skipped going, the good news is that by Sunday it felt 100% again so onward we go.

Thursday I mentioned that AOL and Thatsfit.com was doing an article on me and if you read regularly You probably noticed that I never posted a link! The email that I received from the writer doing the article said "Just wanted to let you know that we're featuring your story this Thursday at 3pm ET (that time could change at the last minute, but that's the plan right now.) Here's the link" BUT the link was dated 2010/07/09 and that is today so I am thinking that the "Thursday" was a typo in the email and that perhaps since its dated for today that the article will be up some time today? we shall see!

Sold! to the lady with the crisp twenties!

This week will be my getting on a roll with the gym again week, I am also planning on taking advantage to the September weather and my bike because today is a Winnie the pooh kind of day out there and not taking a ride around the lake would be a shame on me. I did something that I thought would be harder than it was concerning one of my bikes this weekend too, I sold one. It was a Craigslist find bike that I got a while ago and put some time and effort into cleaning her up with all intentions on keeping and riding it myself and I did! but my brother in laws girlfriend was looking for a bicycle and when faced with five crisp twenty dollar bills I folded and gave it to her. I put an old bike back on the road, helped someone out with a quality bike for a good price and made a little green all at the same time so I am happy with the transaction. Perhaps I will make bike flipping an alternate means of a little extra income if I can convince myself that letting go of a bike is ok!

Today I will be making my Calorie conscious eggplant Parmesan recipe because of the 17 eggplants that I currently have growing in my garden, they really have taken off within the last couple weeks. I get a lot of emails asking about my menus for each day so I will very likely start posting them daily again because it really does help me when I post them and it seems that some you guys that follow along are interested too so look for those to start popping up again. I mentioned earlier that I have 10 months before the kids are back out of school and the plan is to see if that original goal weight is obtainable in that time, I think that as long as I stay on task that getting there should happen.

Today the plan is to stay within my caloric range, drink at least 2 gallons of fluid of course my fluids of choice are green tea and straight up H2O and as soon as I hit publish I will pull the bike out and go for a quick ride around the lake before I head to the gym. Today is My day, You have a today that is yours too, what will you do with it that is for you?

That's all I got for today.

As Ever

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Hey fat boy! the gym is that way!
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