Monday, September 20, 2010

A video and a bike ride for today

Today we have something a little different for you fine folks that care to read my little space on the net, that's right its a video! I always bring my camera when I go out for a ride longer than just around the lake and as I was finishing up today's ride I said awww what the hell and pulled it out..the camera you perverts! and took a short video for the blog. This is the first time that I have ever posted anything more than a photo on here and perhaps I will do more? I don't know quite yet. Ignore the pants and heavy breathing and focus on the freshly changing leaves and the fact that there is a 300 pound man barreling through the woods!

I headed out and was going to go in the opposite direction that I normally do on this trail but when I got to the trail head I went with what I knew but decided to go a bit further than I normally do. There was only 2 other people on the trail today, another fella on a mountain bike and a girl on a horse which was a bit nerve wracking because I wasn't sure of the "trail etiquette" that went along with a horse rider. I did pull to the side and let the horse go by and going off of the reaction of the girl I think that she appreciated it, I said hello to her she waved and said Hi back then thanked me for stopping the bike instead of flying past the horse.

Just a shot down the trail over my bars.

I know that I was pedaling faster today than I have on the past couple rides and I felt fast for almost the entire ride but my bike computer was acting all kinds of wonky so I had no clue how fast I was really going at any point of the ride or how far I went. When I got home I used Gmaps pedometer to calculate my distance and I was just over 15 miles if I was including the street portions of the ride, which is where all of the hills are! On the way to the trail head I am going mostly down hill which of course means the way home, after about 13 miles on the trail is all uphill yay fun! I really don't mind the hills but they aren't exactly what I would call fun either, as I said I am still a 300 pound guy.

This weather is perfect for this type of riding and I am going to take full advantage while I can because sooner than later New England will be covered in the white stuff and I will have to settle for the gym and a stationary bike. I want to also say that apparently there is a problem with the comments on my blog! I got a few emails from different people saying that there is no link to leave a comment and I am looking into why that is but since I am not the best at this whole html thing I am having a time of figuring out exactly whats happening. If you want to comment or message me and the comment thingy is not at the bottom of the post feel free to email me through the link in the profile for email or directly at because we all enjoy getting comments/feedback right?

That's all I got for today so I hope that every last one of you enjoyed your day as much as I have.

As Ever

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A video and a bike ride for today
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