Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 924, still NOT a morning person.

The way its working out is that I am finding some time in the early AM to get to the gym for the past few days and never before in my life have I felt less like a morning person than right now. Par for the course usually means that I go to the gym and I am somehow energized to the point that nothing can stop me for a few hours and I buzz around with a feeling of ownership for the whole universe. Enter the AM work out, wake up, shower and pre-gym I am feeling great and ready to own the universe, into the car and off I go into my alone time a Rollins CD goes into the player and the aroma of win wafts around in the car. Fifteen minutes into my stationary bike ride a growl in my gut asking for something to eat and obviously we are in the wrong place for this so I tell it to pipe down and keep on pedaling, onto the treadmill we go and a twenty minute brisk paced walk on an incline not more than 5.0% feels like a hike on the Appalachian trail but I know that its in my head so I finish. Upon arriving home a nap is on my mind where usually right after the gym I am looking for my bike or a quick lunch before I head outside to do whatever in the yard and use up the excess energy but the last few days are like I am in some bizarro superman world and I can't catch a groove.

Wify had a response that was probably most accurate when she simply said "You're not a morning person" and I agree whole heartedly that I am not a morning person in any sense of the word but man! this is a whole new feeling for me. This AM schedule is throwing off my eating as well because I eat breakfast, go to the gym and come home hungry so I am eating again. Today I ate a banana with a tablespoon of peanut butter on it after the gym which is not too bad but it didn't really do the trick so I am left with an emptiness in my stomach until lunch which is also something new for me. Since I started this trip to the half I haven't really experienced being especially hungry, even when I was off track and now that I am working out early in the morning (much earlier than I ever have) hunger enters stage left. I can guess and say that my body is using more energy than I have on board at that hour or the likes but why am I tired? why does it feel like I can just lay down and take a nap like right now as I type this even! Adjustment needed perhaps? my hiatus changed my metabolism a bit maybe and now I need to shift it back? Unsure I am I say in my best Yoda impression.

I can also come to the conclusion that all of the swimming that I have been doing lately can be effecting me more than I thought maybe, I have to admit that I am sore in places that I have not been in quite some time. The insides of my thighs for instance are very sore, my obliques right up into my arm pits are feeling it and for some odd reason the insides of my biceps are sore too. Is this the reason for the tired feeling? new muscles coming into play all while the program is changing up with the AM cardio? maybe I am just in need of some getting my ass kicked for a bit to get me back to where I was before I just don't know but I do know that the gym is not fun at this very moment.

So what do you do to combat being fatigued after an AM workout? is there a super breakfast that you eat that pulls you through the morning without double dipping thus boosting calories for the day?

That's all I got for today

As Ever

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Day 924, still NOT a morning person.
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