The weather said to me that if I was going to blog today it would have to be later because there was no way that I was staying inside on a day like today. Just that sentence could have not been said about me two short years ago, weather meant nothing to me, when it was cold outside I had the heater and when it was warm I had my air conditioner and the couch was always under my ass and that was the plan for the day. This morning I went out and installed a couple sections of split rail fence in my front yard as an accent and I will be planting a flower bed around it possibly this weekend as the trend of great weather is suppose to stick around for a couple few days. After cleaning up the mess that I made in the yard I weeded the front garden for a little while only coming in to get a drink then it was off to take my little darling to school in the bike trailer and here I am I find myself with a few minutes so I thought I would pop on here with a post.
I can honestly say that I don't want to waste any of my time sitting idle while the world happens around me, I lived that life for far too long and now that I am very much less limited if at all its all gonna happen on my terms. I did skip going to the gym today because I figure 10 miles of biking on hills pulling a 45 pound kid and a trailer around will fill my need for exercise for the day and in fact I may go out after dinner on a solo ride just to add some more mileage to the night as tomorrow is weigh in day and I did in fact get a new scale yesterday.
The new scale that I picked up cost me twenty six bucks out the door and can weigh a person up to 400 pounds so I should be covered for a good long while on that one. The good news is that it seems to be dialed in pretty much exactly where my old scale is on the weights because my daughter weighs 45.0 on the button so said the old scale and she has weighed that much for at least the last month and a half and when she gets on this one it reports the same exact figure. I stepped on this morning and I am actually up from last week by a fraction of a pound but I was pretty sore from the weights yesterday at the gym and thanks to my son whom thinks its a good idea to creep around the house at 1am and wake everyone in the house up I did not sleep well at all. Wednesdays I stay up a little later because I watch the ultimate fighter and then usually head to bed around midnight so being woke up at 1am and then not being able to fall back asleep for about 45 minutes took a chunk out of my already short night and then I was up at 6:15 thanks again to the stomping of his possibly hooved feet. Either way I am not too worried about tomorrows weigh in I do think that I will have a loss I just really have no idea where the wheel will stop spinning because of my not so good night last night.
So today is turning out to be an awesome day in lieu of my lack of sleep, I got some work done around the house and got a good solid ride in on my bike and will have another when its time to get the little one from school. Tomorrow is anyone's call on whether I lose or not but hopefully I will be able to post up some "what I have lost" images and can record a new low weight. I am down a total of 228 pounds to date and need to get another 31 to hit my first major goal of weighing 275 pounds and after that goal is met I am looking for 267 so that I can say I have lost 50% of my total body weight which is totally insane to me to think that I will have lost that amount when I get there.
Tomorrow shall tell the tale of whether I lost some or not so your going to have to wait until then, That's all I got for today.
I can honestly say that I don't want to waste any of my time sitting idle while the world happens around me, I lived that life for far too long and now that I am very much less limited if at all its all gonna happen on my terms. I did skip going to the gym today because I figure 10 miles of biking on hills pulling a 45 pound kid and a trailer around will fill my need for exercise for the day and in fact I may go out after dinner on a solo ride just to add some more mileage to the night as tomorrow is weigh in day and I did in fact get a new scale yesterday.
The new scale that I picked up cost me twenty six bucks out the door and can weigh a person up to 400 pounds so I should be covered for a good long while on that one. The good news is that it seems to be dialed in pretty much exactly where my old scale is on the weights because my daughter weighs 45.0 on the button so said the old scale and she has weighed that much for at least the last month and a half and when she gets on this one it reports the same exact figure. I stepped on this morning and I am actually up from last week by a fraction of a pound but I was pretty sore from the weights yesterday at the gym and thanks to my son whom thinks its a good idea to creep around the house at 1am and wake everyone in the house up I did not sleep well at all. Wednesdays I stay up a little later because I watch the ultimate fighter and then usually head to bed around midnight so being woke up at 1am and then not being able to fall back asleep for about 45 minutes took a chunk out of my already short night and then I was up at 6:15 thanks again to the stomping of his possibly hooved feet. Either way I am not too worried about tomorrows weigh in I do think that I will have a loss I just really have no idea where the wheel will stop spinning because of my not so good night last night.
So today is turning out to be an awesome day in lieu of my lack of sleep, I got some work done around the house and got a good solid ride in on my bike and will have another when its time to get the little one from school. Tomorrow is anyone's call on whether I lose or not but hopefully I will be able to post up some "what I have lost" images and can record a new low weight. I am down a total of 228 pounds to date and need to get another 31 to hit my first major goal of weighing 275 pounds and after that goal is met I am looking for 267 so that I can say I have lost 50% of my total body weight which is totally insane to me to think that I will have lost that amount when I get there.
Tomorrow shall tell the tale of whether I lost some or not so your going to have to wait until then, That's all I got for today.
As Ever
Weighing in on weighing in and a whole lotta moving.