This is not a race to get to a certain weight so I am not worried about it but man! I am going to chalk this one up to the health gods standing in the corner of the room looking at me with a shrug and a look on their faces like "ya shouldda passed on that grinder last weekend bub" but then again I may be premature with my conclusion and I will be lighter that I think tomorrow morning. Something else that I am thinking more about is the fact that my workouts at the gym have been pretty for lack of a better word intense and maybe I should be eating more on the days that I workout which is every day because I am working out harder now than I have during this whole process. An average of an hour of cardio per day along with weight lifting at least 3 days per week is what I do lately and that doesn't seem like too much to me at all and I feel that I could do more but don't because I run out of time but once upon a time 15 minutes on a stationary bike 4 times per week was doing the trick. I don't want to start over thinking things at this point so I won't, eat less move more has always been how I roll and I am down 219 pounds doing so and I am going to stay with that plan but its weeks like this one that I gotta wonder.
My plan from the beginning has always been to eat what I want to as long as I stay within a calorie range, drink lots of H2O and green tea while exercising daily or K.I.S.S Keep it simple stupid, and this is still the plan to a point. I try now to eat as many whole foods as I can without obsessing over it and the exercise has been kicked up a bit because I am less limited now by my weight and I still drink like a fish but basically I am doing the same thing that I was in the start of this. My goal is to get down to a healthy weight and live a long happy life and so far so good on the plan so getting hung up on an erratic week where the raw weight is concerned isn't gonna happen, and who knows, I may actually get a new low weight this week after all. I know that there is no way I could have gained 2 pounds from yesterday to today so maybe I am retaining something somewhere but again I am not going to over think it, wait am I over thinking it? I keep going back to that so um yeah I just gotta remember keep it simple stupid and let it go.

Tomorrow we weigh in and that weight gets recorded, will it be a loss? perhaps a gain? maybe break even? oh my! you will have to check in with tomorrows post to find out where the next chapter of as the fat guy turns heads.
Until then make the best choices that you can, you owe it to yourself.
As Ever
K.I.S.S. and I ain't talkin about Gene Simmons.