Wednesday, February 3, 2010

You ain't got the balls son.

If you are going to try and lose weight, especially from a hyper obese state (yeah I just said hyper obese) You have to do it with everything that you have inside of yourself, if you don't you are just kidding yourself because there are no halfhearted attempts with success. Walking for 5 minutes is all that some of us can do at first yet pride stops us from doing it, somehow pulling back into our shells and hiding from the world is a better option and to that I say bullshit. I can only now say it so strongly just how bullshit being that way is because I powered past the self pity and decided that I did not care what anyone else might say or think of the 500 pound guy waddling around the block, every day I got dressed and I did it until I was the 400 pound guy and with every pound I was able to do more and the weight keeps dropping off. I don't give a shit about what the next guy can do, I have to care about what I can do and more importantly perhaps what I cannot do because of the fat that was and is hanging off of my bones and keep that in mind with every step taken towards better health and the end game result that I am looking for.

Joining a gym was huge for me, I was scared of what the next person might say or think about what I was doing or not doing and I honestly thought it was going to be an all eyes on me thing but to my surprise it wasn't. Nobody cared what I was doing and I couldn't care less what any of them are doing because its me that I am there for. I sing out loud from time to time at the gym and I don't care, I cannot do a pull up yet, notice that I said yet because I will do a pull up before I am done and it will be the first one of my life when I get there but I will in fact do it. There is no one that will stop me because I need to complete what I have started and I am in the opinion that anyone can do what I have with nothing more than a decision. Doing what is right for our health is easier than not doing anything about it and ending up having diabetes, to be carried out of your home through a hole in the wall cut by the fire department, bad knees, sore backs, heart problems, a bitter disposition and tons of smaller problems that are with us on a day to day.

Deciding that living is a better idea than slowly killing yourself with a lack of care for the most important and basic item in your life is something that all people who are over weight should look at closely. If we don't take care of us the rest of whats left really doesn't matter so much because without our health we miss out on the most elementary of things. Without our health what do we have? sure we can live and have a life but is it the life that we want? does anyone really want to gasp for air because they had to walk to the bathroom? I think not.

I use to care what someone else might think of me as I huffed and puffed around attempting to get healthier, I hid in my house on my stationary bike for the longest time and honestly it did serve its purpose but I am at a point that if someone doesn't like what they see that's on them. I will get where I am going and there is no one that will stop me, something clicked at the gym a few days ago as I sat on a leverage shoulder press machine listening to my mp3 player and I have been a zone since then. Taking a line from Phil Anselmo "I live it every day, While you’re mind’s far away, I’m out here putting pride on the line And you case on me with pure respect, One chance at one thing, Hard time is coming, My time, your pain I reign on you" is the place where my head is right now, water is wet, ice is cold I am going to get where I need to go, all of these things are facts.

If you are contemplating starting a better health/weight loss program do yourself a favor and stop thinking about it and start with the doing because at the end of the day when we look into that mirror the person staring back is the one responsible for everything that we do.

As Ever

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