Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Real men of genius..I salute you Mister weight loss with no miracle pill guys!

I usually write about how my trip to the half is going and I love getting all of the comments that you all leave, they really do mean a lot to me and I appreciate every one of them. I sometimes get comments that say that I have inspired someone or helped someone get through a rough spot and I get lots of advice and just plain old support and today I wanted to write a post and give a shout out to a couple other bloggers that I follow and get tidbits of inspiration and information from now and again.

First there is who I refer to as "The other Tony" He calls himself "The-Anti-Jared" and has dropped more than 200 pounds and has been maintaining that weight while bulking himself up with weights. I don't know who found who first but we have been following each others blogs for a good long while now, he likes to write little rhymes from time to time and the man loves his Cauliflower and apples! if anyone that reads my blog hasn't already checked him out I would recommend adding his blog to your line up.

If you are a runner or want some inspirational views via New Zealand then Andrew from "Andrew is getting fit" is the guy for you to check out. He has lost more than 100 pounds now and is a runnin fool! Forest Gump ain't got nothing on him! he runs 10 and 20k's for breakfast and always has a good outlook on things, he posts images from his running ground in New Zealand that make me drool with envy because of where he gets to run, he is a big part of why I want to run.

Then there is the fellow that I relate to most, Sean Anderson from "The daily diary of a winning loser" and I relate to his story most because his start weight is very close to where I started, this man was 505 pounds! he currently weighs 265 and has done an incredible job getting to a healthy weight. He like me has done this with no miracle pills and no magic formula, his plan and mine are very similar and I read his recollections of his former life and many of his posts could have been written by me.

I started this blog as a place to stay accountable and post for the world to see what I was doing so that maybe I would stay on track and it has become much more than that. I read other peoples accounts of being fat, I ain't sugar coating it we were and some of us *looks in the mirror* still are fat, and it lets me know that I am not alone with this struggle. I have made friends through this blog both physically where I have been to their homes for dinner and they mine as well as through email and chat and that in itself is a great thing. The biggest and only difference between me and the three fellows that I mentioned above is that they are at or close enough to their goal weight that no one in their right mind could look at them and include the word "fat" in the description. I will join them soon enough but I just wanted to put it out there where I go when I need a kick in the ass because these three gentlemen have earned the reward of a thinner, healthier life and I know it was no picnic getting there. I like them have learned what hard work and discipline can give to a person who is on the edge of life and death because of a weight issue and I am not going back to that old me.

So I salute you bust that ass instead of taking magical pills weight loss guys! YOU are real men of genius.

As Ever

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Real men of genius..I salute you Mister weight loss with no miracle pill guys!
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