Friday, February 5, 2010

5 pounds gone with the wind..a weigh in tale

This week's "official weigh in" for the blog does not offer up a new low weight BUT the old low weight hath return, upon stepping onto my scale this morning 322.2 flashed across the display the first time on, 321.8 the second and finally 322.0 so three hundred twenty two pounds is the weight for the week. Last week I was 327lbs so this is a 5 pound drop for the week but since its not a new low weight there shall be no what I have lost images, hopefully I can get a new low next Friday and finally get into the teens. This week I am going to attempt to get to the gym every day until next Friday and see what that gets me, I have gone every day since Monday of last week where I usually take a mid week day off I did not last week. I already spoke with da boss lady about trying to get a sitter for Saturday and Sunday so that we can go together and it looks like I will be able to go all week so I am looking forward to beating the twenties down into nothing.

Skin issues becoming more apparent, to me at least, I have made a decision to hit the weights a little harder to try and fill up some of the space that was formerly being used to house fat with some muscle. I have been lifting for a while now but nothing that I would call a really hardcore workout and I have really just been focusing on my chest/shoulders/biceps for the most part tossing in some leg movements here and there I want to write up a complete workout for myself that will get everything involved a bit more. My cardio is doing very well, on average I have been doing 20-25 minutes on a stationary bike followed by 20-30 minutes on a treadmill at variable inclines and speeds ranging from 3.5% grade to 13% grade and speeds range from 3.2mph tp 6.0 mph on running days and I sometimes hit the arc-trainer for 20 minutes or go back to the bike for a 2nd 20 minute ride so anywhere from 40 to 60 minutes of cardio per day.

Each day at the gym a spinning class starts just about when I arrive and I have been contemplating giving it a try because I focus so much on the bike while I am there anyways. As soon as it warms up a bit and more importantly the ice, snow and sand is off of the roads I am looking forward to getting back on my mountain bike and going for some rides and I figure a spin class could improve my stamina while on a bike. With all of the cardio that I do my endurance is improving and I am hoping that with the addition of some more serious weight lifting I can bulk up a bit and take care of some of the skin stuff that's just hanging around, literally in places.

A five pound drop for the week is great! the fact that I can do cardio an hour of cardio and feel awesome afterward is an amazing thing to me considering where I began with my 5 minute walk then rest plan. To say that I have changed my life for the better with the decision to get healthy is the understatement of the century and from the looks of it things just keep improving so as long as I do my part I am expecting good things. That's all I got for today so this episode of Fatman and Blobin is fini, keep on keepein on and all that and don't forget that H2O.

Until next time...

As Ever

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5 pounds gone with the wind..a weigh in tale
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