Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Fat bottomed girls they'll be riding today, So look out for those beauties oh yeah.

Looking out my window at the snow that seems to have been there forever I want to ride my bike, 3 inches of snow in the road and a foot in the yard the only thing that I want to do is take a ride around the lake. I got a set of bar ends for my bike for Christmas and while I was installing them my bike was looking at me from the corner of her eye begging me to hop on and ride her hard, but I have to turn her down for now because of the 100% chance of me ending up on my arse in the snow. Riding the bike at the gym though working some of the same muscles is not even close to a real ride and I don't know if its just because I have something new on the bike or if its that I truly miss it but it is calling to me. Soon enough the snow will melt and the leaves will return to the trees and the hilly road will be there again for me to enjoy, for now the gym will be my source of exercise and hopefully my strict rule of going daily will whittle me down to a smaller pilot and the length or intensity of my rides can go up come spring, I know it will.

The bike at the gym is a great tool for me, I can keep the leg muscles working in a familiar way so that when the time comes to get back on the mountain bike I will not feel like its been years since riding. I am able to change the intensity of my rides at the gym with the push of a button and I have been changing my ride each day just slightly enough so that its not the same over and over, I ride on level 11 and kick it up to 13 for one minute intervals maybe 3 or 4 times per ride and my distance has steadily been going up. This tells me a couple things, I am getting stronger because if I can bump the resistance up for small intervals and increase my distance then obviously I am improving. It also tells me that higher resistance doesn't effect me too much, its almost as if upping the resistance is making me work faster but not harder, I don't know how to explain it but when I do intervals I find it easier to ride, its almost like when I kick it back down to level 11 it feels easy and my cadence goes up slightly over all.

Monday was good for all aspects of this whole better health thang, I ate within my calories coming in at 1775 total calories and drank more than a gallon of Green tea and H2O. I made it to the gym and did 20 minutes on the bike doing intervals like I mentioned above followed by 40 minutes of weight lifting and a 20 minute trot on the treadmill. Sleep was on par but I was woke up at 6:30 am by my daughter sitting in my bed singing and blabbing to wify while she got dressed for work 7 hours is a decent enough nights sleep I suppose, at least my daughter will be in bed nice and early tonight from her early rise.

We're off to a good start this week all the way around so come Friday I am looking for a good drop in weight and hitting that 300 pound goal by April is starting to feel like I can do it. Whether you have 20 pounds to lose, 150 pounds to lose or like me more than 250 pounds to lose its up to you to do it, no one can do it for you and no one can make you do it. When I started off I looked at my weight loss and thought about how losing 100 pounds seemed impossible and here I am more than 200 pounds down so far and realistically I could probably drop 300 pounds total before all is said and done but that's a bridge to be crossed once I reach that first goal of 275 pounds. Walk, Run, bike whatever you choose just do it and do it for yourself because its the only thing that's going to work, hoping or wishing for better health and or weight loss just doesn't work, if it did I would have been a svelte version of who I am right now a long time ago.

I don't believe in Peter Pan, Frankenstein or Superman, All I wanna do is.....

As Ever

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Fat bottomed girls they'll be riding today, So look out for those beauties oh yeah.
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