Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Two years worth of weight loss, what a change.

Monday went over without a hitch, I ate 1710 calories and dinner was a giant salad I got to go to the gym later than usual but I went none the less and I drank about 2 gallons of straight H2O and maybe a quart of green tea. I went in and added my weights for the past 5 months into my excel spreadsheet graph yesterday and it shows a fast drop for the first year and then the grade gets less extreme for the second year but downward still. The plan is to make that sloping downward line to hit a deeper drop for the next couple months so that I can get to that ever elusive sub 300 pound line that has been drawn in the sand.

Thinking back I still can't believe that I was where I was and how far I have come is amazing to me because honestly I am healthier than I have ever been in my life, almost. What I mean by almost is that there was a time in my life that I was stronger physically from lifting weights, there was a time that I could run what I figured to be a mile and there was even a brief moment in my life where I was a vegetarian but none of those things were all at the same time. I am right now definitely not as strong as I once was but we're getting there, I eat better now than I ever have and we're working on the running. I can say with 100% certainty that I feel healthier than I ever have, I am smaller than I was when I graduated high school and soon enough I will be everything that I want to be all rolled into one package and will have myself to thank for it.

Click this image for a full sized graph.

My best friend and I were talking the last time that I seen him and I told him that I wish someone would have told me that all I would have to do is consistently eat good and exercise years ago (not like I didn't know deep down inside anyways) and maybe I would never have made it to 500 plus pounds. When I said that he looked at me and said that all it took was a little girl to get me to realize what I needed to do and that I am way too stubborn to have listened to anyone back in the day, and he was right because I can remember people trying throughout my life to at least mention to me that I should do something about my weight. My mother offered me a dollar per pound that I lost when I was about 13-14 years old but still we ate fried foods and treats all of the time so though the offer was a good one for me it wasn't enough. The point that I am making is that we need to decide ourselves that its time to take control because no matter how many people say it no one wants to be told what to do even if we know the advice is sound.

I am hoping that my good eating habits will rub off onto my children and they never have to struggle with weight because in this world isn't it a silly thing to have to deal with when simple good choices will stop the whole train wreck? I am already impacting my children and people around me that see what I have done and am doing where exercise is concerned, my wife has joined the gym with me, my kids are always doing random exercises and asking to go for bike rides and other people have started eating better and exercising as well, its a win win all around. Every Thursday my daughter comes home from school and we compare what we each did at "gym class" and this is one of my favorite times of the week because I get the feeling that she really enjoys these talks and perhaps I will never have to offer to pay her a dollar per pound lost ever in her life time, which makes me think, my mom owes me $206!

Today will be another successful one and I have a sitter for the gym so I won't have to go tonight again like I did last night. I will predict that I will have a new low weight come Friday and we may see the return of the "this is what I have lost" pictures again, let us hope anyways! actually let me rephrase that because hoping for something to happen and doing everything in our power to make it happen is two completely different things.

I leave you with a visual today, well sort of, a visual that you will have to close your eyes and imagine for now as I have not taken the photo yet but I have lost 41 five pound bags of sugar so far! now imagine carrying that around with you 24 hours per day 7 days per week 365 days per year..... yeah, it was no party.

As Ever

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Two years worth of weight loss, what a change.
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