Thursday, October 29, 2009

Who me? yeah you! couldn't be, then who?

Something is a miss, I got on the scale this morning and I am up in weight from last Friday and if I am being honest it confuses me, let me splain Lucy. Last week I was diligent with my eating and exercise and hit an all time low weight and then Saturday I went to a friends place that I had not seen in a while and had pizza for lunch and nothing for dinner besides some snacking and then Sunday I was over by a bowl of popcorn and I know that I had not drank right all weekend. Ok so you had a bad weekend? you recover from that all of the time right? Usually yes, and especially when I work out regularly on top of all of that, this week so far I went to the gym Monday and Tuesady and will go again this afternoon. My intake has been great post weekend, Monday 1530 cals, Tuesday 1640 cals and Wednesday 1760 cals and as far as fluid intake I have had at least 1.5 galoons per day since Monday so why am I up in weight? its just one of those weeks I suppose because there is no way that one day of eating off kilter and one weekend worth of not drinking nearly enough should throw me off this much.

Tomorrow I weigh in and will see where the wheel lands as far as my weight goes, From what I saw this morning I do think there will be a gain from last week on the scale, I just cannot believe that it is more than water weight or something though because to be up as much as I am and looking at my calories for the week it just doesn't add up. My stress levels are up a bit this week because I did schedule my gallbladder extravaganza and am not looking forward to it but that doesn't exactly explain a gain. It is what it is and as each week does Friday morning will tell the tale, this afternoon I will head off to the gym and get in a workout and the calories will be on target for the day as I am already off to a good start there.

Short and sweet is the post today and that's all she wrote, make sure to drink enough fluids and exercise as much as possible, Thanks for following along and don't forget to check in tomorrow to see what the damage is, whether I get back to the low or am up a bit.

You can now return to your regularly scheduled programs.

As Ever

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Who me? yeah you! couldn't be, then who?
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