Monday, September 7, 2009

Look! up in the sky! it's a bird its a plane...its...???

Where has he gone? that guy, you know the guy that is stricter than a Sunday school teacher, the fella that drinks like a fish and exercises like he has no sense in his head, I miss him, I know that he is still around but he finds himself gazing out the window of health lately just watching shiny stuff that catches his eye. I am finding that complacency is setting in where my eating and exercise regimen are concerned and I need to get my juju back sooner than later and basically get my ass back in the game. It's funny how just a tad bit of stress tossed into the works can effect the direction of a perfectly formed and smoothly running plan, just a couple bumps strategically placed in the path of a person by life mixed up with the comfort of being able to move freely through the world again and bamn! complacency.

I have a long way to go on my health journey, I am down 200 pounds so far and have changed my life in a way that I did not think possible. I did it with a ton of determination and discipline while making good food choices and exercising my as off literally as well as figuratively but lately I have just been kicking back, feet up and enjoying the fruits of my 20 months worth of labor, is that bad? I don't think so, but at the same time I do need to keep my eye on the end game because this kid still has a way to go before entering the realm of a normal healthy person.

In the past week of not really posting I have received dozens of emails from people that read my blog asking if everything is ok or offering to be that shoulder if I need one, I think that is awesome. Think about it, all of these people that have never met me and are all concerned because I haven't posted regular like, kind of cool in my book. I am ok! I am still here, just been busy with more than a few things the last couple weeks, My mom is here visiting from Cali, I put in a patio in my back yard, dealing with a few docs talking about a few things and finishing up painting the exterior of my house before the winter gets here so a bit busy is the flavor of the month. The house is painted, My mother is flying home tomorrow morning, the patio is 90% completed and talking to the docs can happen either way so I am going to get back with the regular posts again, mostly because I need to as I have been a bad boy where my eating goes.

I have not counted my calories in some time, lots of eating on the fly because of being out and about with my mom the last 2 weeks and..... see right there? did ya see that? that there was an excuse folks and guess who doesn't make excuses any more? yep that would be me, so might I retract that last bit and say that I have not been doing what I need to be doing so that I can with full honesty say that I am doing my part, because I haven't been doing my part the last couple weeks, this will not continue and I am back.

I am leaps and bounds beyond where I was once upon 2 years ago but need to remember where once upon a time was so that I stay focused.

With that, the end has come to a post, I am heading out for a walk around my lake with the Wify.

As Ever

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Look! up in the sky! it's a bird its a plane...its...???
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