Today I weighed in to get a baseline number for my 25 pounds lost by Nov 11th challenge to myself and we came in at 340.2 pounds so up a whopping 10 pounds from my all time low weight of 330 pounds. I think this is important for me to get back into the swing of this whole weight loss thing, I say weight loss because in recent months I have more focused on the healthy part of it and stopped worrying so much about the actual raw weight and I need to get the weight moving downward again.
I have learned that I can eat like a normal person and not really gain too much weight, I have learned that I can exercise during the week and not feel like I am being forced to move, and I have learned that I was missing out on a lot when I was 500 plus pounds. I sometimes get asked how I do it, how do I stick to it day after day. all of the counting, measuring, balancing carbs/fat/protein/calories and my answer is simple, I do not over think any of this. what? no way you just use the K.I.S.S method and are having success! no way I say! indeed I am.

Our bodies are amazing and can tell us a lot about what we need with cravings or with pain, I don't think that as we evolved there was a manual written with exact amounts of fuel for each particular task or movement and either we adhere to that or we shall all become gelatinous masses plopped along the planet. Every one of us is different and the same all at once, basically we all need roughly the same things to survive and remain healthy but there is no guide book to follow, no magical figure that will smite fat from our bones if followed to the letter. The way I feel about it is that we are merely another animal gracing the crust of this planet that we all call home and if we eat to live instead of living only to find the next best triple fudge brownie that we can all be healthy and less rotund. Eat lean meats eat veggies drink much and we are eating healthy its that simple, none of the over thinking is necessary, complicate things and they get difficult and soon we find ourselves giving it least that is my experience with things. I will admit to eating a lot of whole foods and I drink green tea like no other but besides that it is really just counting calories, less in than I burn and that's that.

So there you have the random thoughts of none other than Me to ponder with your morning java, or hopefully tea! The start weight for my 25 pounds bt Nov 11th challenge will be set at 340 and I may start running again very soon as well, hitting the ground running this week to kick start me back into my groove and I will do my best to keep the posts on the blog in a daily fashion once again, weekends may be iffy (like always) but I will try and post tomorrow at some point again just to get a menu up. Thank you for following along and if you have made it to this point in the post you do deserve a drink of water so get on up and grab a glass as this post seems to have become a long one.
As Ever
Keep it simple stupid...and a weigh in