Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Have my cake and eat it to?

This morning I feel less violated from my new bike seat and am planning on a ride some time later this afternoon, I think I am in love. I have decided that I am going to change things up a bit because of my new toy, of course I want to ride it as much as possible but because of "new" soreness that the bike is so lovingly handing out I do not think that I can do both the rides and the C25K program while I am getting use to the bike so I will just make some adjustments. When the novelty of the new bike wears off and the new pain (its good pain) has come down to a dull roar I want to do a modified program utilizing the C25K program and bike riding on alternating days because I still want to run a 5k this year, but this new bike is so damn fun! The fact that I am pausing the C25K program does not mean that I am not going to complete it, in fact I plan on running this week at least once but I want to concentrate on getting use to riding the bike so that....who am I kidding, its just plain old fun! no worries for those of you following my running adventure I am in fact going to do both.

Snapped a pic with the seat adjusted and the new bottle cage installed, hopefully I can get the new bike computer replaced and installed before the end of the week, and yes yes I know that I need to mow the lawn.

A shot from the front.

I ran out yesterday and got myself a bottle cage and a bike computer so that I could stay hydrated (you knew that was coming) while tracking my distances and speeds while out on the bike but when I got the bike computer home it was missing the sensor that attaches to the spoke so I will have to return the computer for one with all of the parts. With some luck and a lot of persistence I will become a proficient bike rider and runner by the end of the year and I believe that by combining the two different routines that I will be able to keep the weight going down as the strength and endurance goes up all while having a blast, I love win win situations.

I have not exactly been the exemplary role model where intake is concerned over the weekend because of some rum cake but hey it only comes around once per year so I indulge. Saturday and Sunday I did go over my calories and honestly Saturday I did not count a single calorie, Sunday I ate within my calorie range if the Italian cookies and rum cake don't count but I am not too worried about it. Monday I ate within my calorie range until I could not resist another piece of the rum cake that was still in our fridge, my father in law stopped by last night so I asked "who wants some rum cake?" and made sure he had a nice hefty piece and gave the rest to my kids so that it was out of the house, I am sorry but the saying "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" DOES NOT apply to this rum cake. Today I am back to my old self counting and not going over my 1700 limit, alas the rum cake is gone. I do not live within the "I will never have a piece of cake again" crowd, I believe that as long as I eat good 95% of the time the other 5% is fair game for some of the tastier things in the food wheel and obviously what I am doing works so no worries.

Over all I am doing well but have not stepped on a scale since Friday so I may not be doing as well as I think because of this weekends rum cake escapade, I am honestly just enjoying not being anchored down by the fact I am 500 plus pounds any more. A taste of normality perhaps? too many years sitting on a couch watching other people do things and now its my turn to enjoy life a bit and not worry about things? indeed I believe so.

Thanks for following my trip to the half and I sincerely thank you all for the support and encouragement that you take the time to leave me via comments and emails, know that I appreciate it.

As Ever

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