Monday, June 15, 2009

couch to 5 cough....

This morning has started off to a not so great start and I have been drinking my Green tea hot with some Easy Jesus and honey as I could not out run this sore throat that my daughter had, it is hard to breathe and my throat is raw. I do not think that I will be running W3D1 of C25K tonight unless some miracle of miracles happens and this goes away by then so I will just push it to whatever day this week my throat feels better and more importantly I can breathe.

This weekend was a pretty nice one with my getting to meet Heather on Saturday and have a nice long walk through a local park with her and Wify and then Sunday we just ran errands all day because it was suppose to rain but that never came so it turned out to be a pretty nice weekend as a whole. My calories for Saturday were a bit high because of the popcorn that I mentioned in an earlier post but other than that my calories were in check all weekend and I was hydrated enough as well. I am a little down because of this throat and non breathing thing because I was looking forward to starting week 3 of the program but I figure that I am not going anywhere and the road will be there when I am not under the weather, so it is what it is.

I will probably make today a ST day with some light dumb bell exercises and some push ups since I do think I won;t be up to running this evening, did I mention that it sucks that I can't start week 3 today? I will keep this post short and sweet as I need to run out for some cough drops of some kind so that I don't go nuts today.

Thanks for reading along and thanks for the support.

As Ever

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couch to 5 cough....
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