Tuesday, June 9, 2009

C25K week 2 day 1 report and a dog

Last night was the start of week 2 of the C25K program for me, I was going to hold off on starting week 2 until I let my body adjust to week 1 but I really wanted to see if I could do it. New Mp3 in hand I headed out and noticed that the week 2 podcast is 31 minutes so a little more than a minute longer than week 1 so I had a feeling that I would add distance to where I have been running to by the end of the run. The first interval came and I was feeling pretty good but by the middle that interval I was starting to doubt Mr.Ullrey's skill at counting to 90 seconds as it felt very long compared to week 1. by the second interval I decided that I needed a way to judge the length of the runs so I knew how hard to push to make it so I counted my steps and from here on out I just counted how many steps I took so that I would know when the end of the interval was coming. The entire run went ok besides the fact that I had to run up that hill that I was cussing at last week in its entirety and it took a little out of me.

At the start of the last interval I had a little surprise because some people were leaving what looked like a BBQ and they had a dog with them. I was maybe 5-8 steps into the last interval when I hear the jingle jangle of dog tags to my left and then a growl, I glanced down to see a dark brown pooch running at me so I stepped further into the middle of the street hoping that he would not keep coming as his owner was right there with him but he did keep coming. I turned so that he was coming at me straight on and was moving backwards, still hoping that the owner would pull the leash and I could continue on my run but that's not what happened, all I hear the fella say is a meek little "sorry" That's great man! I am glad that you are sorry BUT your dog is still growling and coming at me! is what I was thinking and the dog was too close to me at that point for me to just keep doing nothing but backing up and he got a face full of size 14, he yelped and ran towards the owner who now says "why did you have to do that!" all I responded with was "keep it on a leash a$$hole" and on my way I went. I ran for my counted steps for the last interval even though the podcast had told me to stop because the dog encounter messed me up and I did not enjoy the rest of the run/walk because of the dog. I went 2.12 miles on this run and that is just short of my furthest distance on week 1 which is not so bad considering the run in with cujo and the fact that it was day 1 of a harder run.

My food for Monday was on par coming in at 1750 total calories consumed and I drank 1 gallon of green tea and 1.5 gallons of straight H2O. Obviously my exercise was C25K W2D1 and over all I feel pretty good this morning if not a little fatigued, almost like W1D1 without the soreness. Where Couch to 5k is concerned, I did complete W2D1 of the program but I did not feel strong while doing it, and what I mean is that W1D1 I felt like the only thing holding me back was going to be my being out of breath but last night my legs were quietly complaining to themselves by the second interval. By the time I hit that hill I was not taking long strides at all, I wouldn't say I was shuffling along or anything but it definitely was not my normal stride and because of my weight I can't help but to think about maybe repeating week 1 just for the slow but steady strength gains for my body. The plan is to run W2D2 Wednesday and see how I feel and if there is no improvement from Monday I will look at what I need to do.

Over all I am loving the C25K program and am looking forward to completing it and being able to say that I can run a 5k race to completion. I am forgetting that this is a weight loss journey lately because of this program and have to remember that I am less than 5 pounds away from having lost 200 pounds total since starting and will be trying to hit that number by Friday so I have a lot going on as far as this weight loss gig goes right now.

Don't forget that H2O, Keep on keepin on and all that.

As Ever

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