Tuesday, June 2, 2009

C25K Week 1 Day 1 complete and a report!

C25K week one day one complete! I have started down a path that I hope brings me the ability to run a complete 5 kilometers straight. It has begun, right now as I type this I am still sweaty but feel good, the first 3 intervals I did not feel one bit and was starting to get cocky but then I think it was the 4th interval I hit the spot on the route that I chose that I was hoping would be a walking segment but I was not that lucky. Bamn! the steepest part of the walk/run and Robert (hey I am on a first name basis with him now) says to run! so I started chugging up the hill and about 30 seconds into this interval I glanced over my shoulder and my cockiness was sitting on the side of the road panting and told me to go on without him, so I did. In all honesty I felt good during the entire run and probably could have done a 9th interval but then I did leave Mr.Cocky on the road side so I best close my pie hole about that! Where I have to run is pretty hilly and I think that will work to my advantage because I will have to work harder than if I was on a treadmill, I have 2 different directions that I can go and one is as hilly as the next. The fact that I am running on hills is something that I did not want to deal with but seeing that I did ok on my first time out I am kind of happy that there are hills, I think it will make me a better runner in the long run.

Ok onto some details, I ran/walked 2.049 miles in the 29.45 minutes that week one takes to complete, that's just over 4mph if I did my math right. Like I mentioned the first 3 intervals were very easy but after I hit that steep spot I knew that it was a workout and was sweating pretty good but I felt good throughout the entire process. At one point I thought about how not so long ago when I could not make that quarter mile walk to see a broken bridge and here I am starting a 5k running program @just about 340 pounds, my how times have changed.

Onto the regular stuff, I had 1690 total calories for the day and I drank just under 2 gallons of fluid, 1 gallon of green tea and the rest was straight H2O, I wanted to make sure that I was hydrated because of the start of C25K yesterday. Exercise was the start of C25K and well, I already covered that so I won't go further than that. over all it was a good day and I am actually looking forward to Day 2 of the program, I am very curious to see if I am sore for the next run and I am going to attempt to improve the distance every time I go out so that should be fun.

The above was written almost immediately after I ran last night, from here on is this morning and after a nights sleep I feel good, I can feel that I did something that is not routine with my exercise but I woke up feeling good, no soreness at all. I am planning on doing some calisthenics and light weights today as exercise but the C25K plan calls for no running today so I am going to obey that and go as far as to not walk either, so a weight day it shall be.

With week one day one (W1D1) under my belt I am on my way to running a 5k race, let us hope that my joints and physical hold together for the ride. I have had my oil checked and filled my tires to the proper foot pounds, I am using premium gasoline now and the tune up from the doc should be what I need to keep the miles rolling in so now I will hope that it all holds together as I advance through the program. I have decided that I am going to add up the miles that I run/walk from here on out and create a map to see how long it takes me to run to CA from CT so look for that in the future as well as all of the normal things that I have always posted on this blog.

We will call that the end of the post, so as your reward for reading the whole thing go grab yourself a big ol glass of H2O! if you think that you are too out of shape to do any exercise keep in mind that I am just about 340 pounds currently, I was 534 pounds at the start of my weight loss program and I have just started a running program aimed at getting me running five kilometers straight, still think that you can't exercise? I think that its all a matter of how you look at it, now get up off of your ass!

As Ever

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C25K Week 1 Day 1 complete and a report!
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