Friday, June 12, 2009

200 pounds lost! Photos inside!

Today is that day, the day that I was to wake up and see if I hit that 200 pound mark, a double century if you will, I am just going to get right to it and tell you that when I woke up this morning I went straight to the scale and well what do ya know, it said 334.4lbs and I know that I had a smile on my face. That is a 5 pound drop from last week and let me tell ya I earned it this week with the running and ST that I have done!

528 days ago I weighed 534 pounds and I can still remember how I felt on that day when I started down this path to better health, unsure that I would make it a week and decided to start a blog to stay accountable. Now through nothing more than sticking to it I have lost 200 pounds of extra weight, No miracle pill, no costly plan that makes someone else money so that I can try to lose weight, I did not have a surgery, I did not eat a Gypsy pie and I do not belong to a gym and yet here I am 200 pounds less. I, if I am being honest did not think that I could do this without a surgery but I had to try something because I was getting to a point where daily life was getting harder and harder and having a surgery seemed like the only way that it would happen. I figured what do I have to lose besides the weight, and the decision was made to try it on my own and here I am today 200 pounds less for my efforts, here are some "200 pounds lost pics" or your viewing pleasure, they are all clickable for a larger image.

From 534 to 334 all together.

Face from 534 to 334 pounds, I am unsure of the second photo's weight but the first is 534lbs, 3rd is 134lbs lost and the final is obviously 200lbs pounds lost.

Full length shot, 200 pounds lost.

Finally my muscle man pose, I took this one just fooling around but I liked it so here it is.

At the end of the day its just a number but man what a number it is! I don't think this club has all too many members but I am one of those people that can say "I have lost 200 pounds" and I did it based purely on determination. I have watched a couple people in my family struggle with weight for a long time and they always seem to put the weight back on within a month or 2 after losing a few pounds and I am hoping that me dropping 200 pounds in the last year and a half might get them to stick with it and see that it is possible to lose massive amounts of weight and not put it back in the following month.

I still have a long way to go before I hit my goal weight and beyond but if I were the betting kind of guy I would go with whoever thinks that I will get there because I have no plans on stopping now. Thanks for all of the support and emails that you all have left for me in the last 17 months and if you are reading this blog for the first time now you know that losing this kind of weight IS possible with some hard work, good food choices and exercise.

In the words of Forest Gump, "that's all I got to say about that".

As Ever

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200 pounds lost! Photos inside!
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