Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Going to burn lotsa calories today..

Just chugging along and bamn! invited to an Irish dinner of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots and garlic bread not to mention the green cake and pints of Guinness last night. I saved myself 985 calories for the day because I knew that I was going to be eating that meal but I know that I managed to go over because just the food without the cake or pints came to 815 calories, the Guinness was 150 calories each so now we're up to 1115 calories and then add the slice of cake and I am probably over by about 400 or so calories for the day total. Because of getting home later than normal I did not get a chance to ride my bike either, so today I ride twice because I need to keep this momentum and having one meal that went over what it should have and drinking a few pints is not going to stop me, in fact it is suppose to be a gawjus day here in New England so I am planning on taking a ride on my bike this morning and then this afternoon I will take my wee lassie out for a walk around the lake, any way its cut I am getting extra movement into today.

Rather than sit here posting up a long post this morning I want to get this movement show on the road, here is the plan. After I click publish post I am going to finish my first glass (1/2 gallon) of Green tea and get dressed and hop on my bike for a 20 minute ride, after I stretch its out the door for a walk, I have a just about 2 mile route mapped out and I think that's the one I will do today. Then back inside for a few so that the little one can catch a few cartoons while I shower and do some house work and when wify gets home from work, I will attempt to coax her out for another walk around the lake after dinner and at 7:30 tonight I will take my regularly scheduled bike ride for another 20 minutes, and all of that just because I feel guilty for having 2 pints and some green cake!

With that said I'm off to get moving.

As Ever

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Going to burn lotsa calories today..
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