Sunday, March 8, 2009

Finally! a "Dam" weekend post!

This weekend has been a very busy one so I have not had time t0 post until now, it was a perfect kind of weekend here in New England so we took full advantage, well sort of. Saturday I played with my mustang for a bit just cleaning some of the winter debris off of it that has collected in the cracks and crevasses and then I ran it and took her for spin on a gorgeous day. We had my brother in law over to reinstall some things on wifys desk top and set up our wireless network and I made chicken breast on the grill with sliced then baked red potatoes with corn on the side for dinner and pretty much just hung out for the rest of the night. I do know that I went over my calories by about 250 on Saturday but no worries as I have been pretty active.

Then today we woke up to 60 plus degrees out and decided to go to a flea market "just for kicks" and we ended up coming home with a carved mask and 2 meat cleavers that look like they can bone an elephant! When we got back home we couldn't resist the day and decided it was time to walk around the lake and over to the Dam on the far side with a friend of Wifys. It's about a 2.3 mile walk but we hung out and played on the dam tossing rocks into the lake with the kids so we were out there for close to 2 hours just fooling around, of course I took my camera with me and snapped off a few pics, have a look.

Wify snapped this one of my ugly mug as we were standing next to the dam, some of you say I never smile in my pics that I post, hows that?

Here is a shot down the bridge that crosses over the dam.

This is a shot back across the lake towards my house from standing on the bridge in the previous picture.

You can see it was a bit overcast and the weather report was actually calling for showers but they never came so it was a nice day out walking around. My intake for Today was again above what it should have been but I don't feel that it is really that bad a thing as I have literally been active all weekend, now don't take that as "oh boy here come fat boy again" nope, it was more like I was so active that I didn't weigh or measure much of anything is all. Tomorrow I will not be going over on my calories and I will be getting in my bike ride, business as usual.

Something else that I noticed this weekend, my wedding ring, I have not worn in in quite some time because it literally falls off of my finger and I don't want to lose it. The ring is now so loose that my daughter can slip her pinky through it up to her first knuckle while I am wearing it, now that's a loose ring! I took a picture to illustrate just how loose it is, waddya think of that?!

This picture is really amazing to me because that ring was once so snug that I couldn't wear it comfortably.

I am happy with the way that the weekend went even though I was over on calories on both days, I did get a lot of moving into both days. My water intake was good all weekend with yesterday coming in with 1 gallon of green tea and 64 oz of water and today was all water as I forgot to make more tea last night but I did manage a gallon and a half of water throughout the day. I am still steaming ahead since my little reset last week and am looking forward to getting below my all time low weight of 352, I do think that I will need a bit of luck to go with my arse busting to get there but hey that's how I have been doing it the whole time so no worries.

That will bring an end to another post and don't forget that H2O that you just earned from reading all the way through my ramblings.

As Ever

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Finally! a "Dam" weekend post!
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