Friday, March 13, 2009

183 total pounds lost! weigh in time has come.

This morning I woke up and right to the scale I went because I had a good feeling that I would come in below my all time low of 352 pounds and I did! I dropped four pounds this week which brings me down to 351 pounds and that will make today the lightest I have been in a very long time, I have lost a total of 183 pounds to date and it feels good to be moving in a positive direction and actually being lighter week by week again, This weeks weigh in is proof positive that you get what you put into a weight loss program.

I worked hard this week to stay within my calorie limits and to make sure that I was exercising every day and the results were very much earned this week. Now here is a recap, I ate no more than 1700 calories every day but one where I came in slightly higher than that but only by 20 or so if I remember right. Then there is the exercise, I rode my bike 7 of the last 8 days and have been walking a lot, maybe 5 of the last 8 days I got in an almost 2 mile walk and have to admit that I feel great for my efforts, it is very true that exercise makes us feel good. When I exercise I actually crave the movement, I feel like I am cheating myself out of a treat when I miss my exercise for the day. I have replaced cakes, doritos or a cheeseburger as a treat with the way that I feel after a good hard ride on the bike or a fast paced walk or even both! Imagine that, actually craving the exercise, replacing those bad habits with good ones, and its not as hard as you may think. I have not posted up my compare shots lately because I had not broken past the 352 barrier but this week I did so here are some pics for your viewing pleasure.

This Kawasaki Ultra 130 jet ski comes in at 351 pounds like yours truly.

This little scooter comes in at 183 pounds which is what I have lost so far, imagine carrying this around on your back all day!

Now to keep the momentum through this week as well and hit those 340's for next Friday will be my goal for the next weigh in day. Yesterdays numbers came in at 1635 total calories and I rode my bike for 20 minutes after a late night walk and felt good for doing so. IF you are not convinced yet that all that is needed for weight loss to occur is a little self control, a sprinkle of hard work and some discipline shaken not stirred together, pull up a chair and watch, I will prove it to you.

Get that fluid down the hatch and that movement MUST happen! Trust me, once it is a habit you will no longer think of it as anything but what you WANT to do, It will not be sugary treats or greasy burgers that consume your thoughts, you will instead crave a rapid heart rate and beading sweat, the burn that comes with a good workout will be the "treat" that drives your every second of the day and before you know it healthy living will happen right before your eyes, astounded and impressed with yourself victory will be yours.

As Ever

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183 total pounds lost! weigh in time has come.
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