Thursday, February 5, 2009

Weight loss or Wait loss? Just do it.

Tomorrow I weigh in again and I am not expecting much on the scale as far as a loss goes, last weekend was not good and then I raised my calorie to 1850 per day and I do not believe that there will be a huge difference if any at all this week. Then on Saturday I am suppose to be meeting some old friends for dinner so I am expecting a not so good Dinner then either, I will in fact try and stay as low as possible throughout the day but dinner is off limits as far as counting goes, I will of course make good decisions like having unsweetened tea with splenda to drink and I will likely get a steak and baked potato which I can estimate the calories but no actual numbers will be known. What I WILL do because of the dinner on Saturday is workout harder this week, I will ride my bike every day instead of the normal 5 times, I am also planning on some walks over the weekend as it is suppose to warm up so just because I am going to enjoy a larger than normal dinner on Saturday doesn't mean I have to give up the weight loss regimen.

Looking out the big picture window in my living room I right now see a frozen lake covered with snow and cannot help but think about how in a couple of months the ice and snow will be gone and I will have a great place to start my walks again, I hope to turn the walks into runs this year but @ 300 pounds I am unsure how good of an idea running will be. In addition to the scenic route for a walk about I will have access at the cost of a stroll across the street a lake to swim in all summer! but back to the walking, the plan is to walk every day on top of my bike rides and the plan is to take a walk during the morning with my daughter, in her stroller of course so that I can keep a good 3+ mph pace and then ride my bike in the evening again like I am doing now. I have been hearing a lot about this couch to 5k thing and I may give that a try come warmer months because as you may or may not know depending on how new you are to reading my blog I want to run (yes run) a 5k race by years end, am I crazy for thinking that I can do that at my weight? maybe and it will surely be a lot of work but hey what fun is anything if its a given?

I am taking mine, how about you?

Soon enough this will become a weight loss maintenance based blog and I will be at my goal weight or further into health and I will be able to look back at each step that was taken to get there. Before long I will not recognize the fella looking back at me in the mirror as I am just being reintroduced to the guy that I knew years ago and looking at pictures that have been taken along the way on this weight loss journey I am seeing pictures that at the time I thought "wow I am really losing this weight" and I look at them now and I am so much bigger than my current weight. I am very curious to see what I look like at say 265 pounds or even less, because I am sure that I will look back through the photos of me now and think "wow I was big then" I actually carry a picture of myself on my cell phone that I can look at to remind me where I was and it has a picture of my current self photoshopped next to it, which I look at often.

Finding that this thing called weight loss is not some impossible thing is eye opening to me and I honestly have only that one regret, that I did not start sooner. There was no reason to wait to eat better, sure I had an injury that stopped me from doing physical workouts but there was no reason that I couldn't adjust my eating habits during that time. If you are reading this and think that you cannot do it, you are wrong, I felt the exact same way just 13 months ago and was actually scared that I was going to have more than just a round gut from eating unhealthy, death was something that entered my thoughts from time to time when I moved just a bit out of my comfort zone, just enough to let my heart know that I was moving. This side of the fence is much more comforting than the one where a 534 pound man resided because if I can feel this good at 355 pounds I cannot imagine what 265 will feel like.

As Ever

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Weight loss or Wait loss? Just do it.
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