Friday, February 20, 2009

Weigh in, Yoga, and a challenge issued!

Weigh in has come once again and getting right to the point I weighed in at 352.2 pounds which is a pound lighter than my lowest weight and four pounds less than last Friday. Is this a four pound week? or a one pound week? doesn't matter how I count it as its a loss! one pound less than my lowest weight so indeed the lightest I have been in many years and that is in fact the point so I am delighted this morning.

This Suzuki weighs in at 352 pounds like yours truley!

I rode my bike last night for 17 minutes and then came downstairs and did a 15 minute Yoga session off of one of Wifys DVD's and I have to admit that it took me by surprise at what it took to make it through the whole segment. My shoulders were tired, my back was stretched, the front of my legs were feeling it at one point and I do recall cussing under my breath at the woman on the screen at one point "C'mon lady I'm 350 pounds here!" I do believe that I will be adding this segment of her dvd to my bike riding days workout. The Yoga was a good way to come back down to a nice easy pace and relax a bit all at the same time, As I get comfortable with this 15 minutes maybe I will add length to what I am doing and start doing Yoga more seriously. I give all of you that do yoga huge props today because I honestly have always been that guy thinking "now how can that be a workout?" but after doing my measely 15 minute routine which I am sure I was not in perfect form I see exactly how it can be considered a workout!

In yesterdays post I mentioned a challenge for this weeks weigh in post so here it is, for every comment that gets left on this post today before midnight tonight saying that a glass of H2O was consumed I will ride an additional 2 minutes on my bike ride Saturday 02-21-09. So, here is your chance to make a fat man work for his weight loss! sound off on this post and we both win, I get more movement for the day and you get a tall glass of wetness to help keep you hydrated.

That will bring to an end another weigh in post and don't forget to check out the poll on the left sidebar while you are reading along today, Thanks for the support and don't forget that water!

As Ever

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Weigh in, Yoga, and a challenge issued!
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