Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Something shiny caught his eye..

I have a bug, in more than one way unfortunately I hate to say because I just cannot shake this whatever it is thats got my throat sore and I have a hankering to run. Last night I was up from 1:15 am to 3:30 am because I couldn't stop coughing, I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to sort of scratch my throat and peanut butter seems to help with a sore throat so I thought I would give it a try along with some tea, long story short I am groggy this morning.

Onto the other bug, I lately have the urge to run. I have been reading a few runners blogs for the past few days and I do believe that I want to give C25K a go when the weather clears up and gets a tad warmer so that I can assure snow will not be something that derails the program once I start, we have had a terrible year for snow, I guess it is a wonderful year if you like snow! Back when I was I want to guess about 300 pounds (though judging on my current size I think that I may have been slightly more than that) I use to run a bit when I had something to think about, Usually because of the girl that I was dating at the time which we will not get too much into for now. I would run at night in a small park that was far enough away from my house that I didn't have to worry about bumping into someone that I knew (and not because I was embarrassed, more because I wanted to be alone) anyways there were two bridges in this park that were about a quarter of a mile apart so I would jog down to one of the bridges and then walk back and upon reaching my starting bridge I would do it again, trotting down to the far bridge and then walk back at a brisk pace and before long I was running for a whole mile non stop and after looking at C25K what I did back then seems very similar in concept.

Am I being too ambitious to try and run at my weight? To be found out I guess because I have decided that its someting that I want to try. Bold words fat man as you sit wrapped in a quilt sucking down green tea and honey sick as a dog with no chance of this happening right now! ahh yes but I think I am bit hard enough that it is an inevitable absolute I will begin this program when the weather breaks a bit more. I have not gone on a walk about since mid December and I was up to just under 2 miles in about 27 minutes stopping because of time not distance, so a decent pace I think for a walk and I will start walking again solo (meaning without my daughter in tow) as soon as I kick this chest/throat thing thats holding me hostage in my own body right now so that I have an idea of how the routes at this new place work out for me.

Couch to 5k is right now something that I would in my wildest dreams not think could be a task that I could complete if you asked me just 13 months ago and here I am putting it out there as something that I will try to do, that in itself to me is a victory. I feel like a puppy right now, and what I mean by that is have you ever noticed how a puppy is so eager to just run and play? that wide eyed silly look they get when something shiny catches their attention and they just take off chasing shadows? well I don't know if it is cabin fever, or maybe the fact that its been in the high 40's here lately and the snow is melting and I am getting that feeling that comes when spring happens but yesterday I was in my driveway and I looked out at the road and felt like I should run, I honestly felt like I should just take off and run as far as I could just to do it.

181 pounds ago I would think about running and literally feel drained just from thinking about it! thats the god honest truth too! my body knew better, my brain sent the message down to my legs and they just rolled their eyes and shook their head at the silly idea that the brain had and defeated I would lumber slowly to where ever it was that I needed to go. The differences from then to now prove that I am a different person from then and that is my inspiration.

As I typed this out I decided that I would take a walk when I clicked publish and thats what I will do, chest cold be damned I have missed this entire week because of it, maybe some fresh air is whats needed, maybe I will bring my camera along and snap a few shots for an afternoon post. So until next time, keep hydrated and remember that weight loss happens when we make it so, have that glass of H2O and keep on keepin on.

As Ever

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