Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Changing the program a bit. oh My!

In my quest for better health I have found that tweaking the program from time to time is necessary every now and again, so with that Ch ch ch ch changes are on the way. Nothing too drastic at all really but I will be afforded more fuel on any given day in the way of 150 extra calories. Thats right I am going to try 1850 calories per day for a week or two because I have accidentally (yeah we will call it an accident) raised my caloric level over the past couple days with no ill effect and since I am exercising more regularly again I don't think that the extra intake is all too bad. Now I do expect something to happen with the weight this week and possibly next the what is the question, will I gain a bit by this Friday? will I lose more this week because of the up in intake? maybe a no loss but no gain situation? clairvoyant I am not but I am interested in whatever the case may be. This will be the third time that I have adjusted my calories since starting back in January 2008, the first change was when I went from 1200 to 1500 and had absolutely no idea where to start, then I went from 1500 to 1700 which as you know is where I currently am so this will be number three going from 1700 to 1850 per day.

Chatting with my wife yesterday about how she is going to get back to strict eating habits after maintaining for a couple months and she said that it must be hard for me to stay this strict with my intake for so long seeing as its more than a year now, I said something that put it into perspective, I responded to her "I plan on eating like this for the rest of my life so this is just the beginning" at which time it dawned on me that I have made drastic changes in the way that I do everything health related in my life. Coming from someone that just 13 months ago would walk for 5 minutes and feeling as if his back was going to explode as sweat beaded on his brow and heart thumped in chest to where I am today, a fellow that is planning on a 5k race by the end of the year is a contrast that I welcome into my life. Driving by a Wendy's or Burger King use to be a chance to grab a quick snack consisting of a couple items off of the fat growing 99 cents menu between meals where as now I wouldn't stop there for anything. Instead of that next level in a video game or the fact that McNasty has Mcribs back on the menu being something that I look forward to it is now the cool little bridge or the tree with little flowers all over it that I found while hiking or the fact that I shaved a couple minutes off of my walk while increasing the distance that gets me motivated. I jump at the chance to do physical work right now and look forward to the spring getting here so that I can start working in our new yard.

Here is that flowered tree I found last spring that I mentioned.

I am finding parallels in my life and the lives of some of the other men in my family, I was recently talking to my Mother and she told me that my father was once a pretty hefty guy and was told to lose weight by a doc for his blood pressure etc. Now I do remember my father going to the YMCA often as a kid I do not remember him being a "fat" guy and talking to my father he told me a story of an uncle of his that was also told that it was time to get some movement into his life for healths sake and he said that his uncle for exercise had a huge stone slab which are everywhere here in CT in his back yard (if you live in New England you know what I am talking about) and after going to work all day he would come home and break the slab apart. when he was done made a stone wall around his house with the broken rocks to give you an idea of the size of the slab, so he ended up with a big clear back yard and a nice new stone wall to go with his better health. That stone wall story gave me an idea well actually it gave my father an idea which sparked my idea, our back yard goes from driveway to a hill that leads into the back yard, My dad told me that I should dig out a parking space in that area for my mustang which would mean a TON of manual work and I believe that by next winter I will have that spot dug out of the hill. If I were the me that I was 13 months ago I would read what I just wrote and think "man that guy is nuts" and yet here I am THAT guy.

I will resume posting daily menus with tomorrows post with the new 1850 calorie limit on them, don't forget that H2O and I think that will conclude another bone chilling episode, meet us back here tomorrow at the same bat time same bat channel kids to find out if Fat man and Blobbin save the day.

As Ever

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Changing the program a bit. oh My!
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