Wednesday, January 7, 2009

You have to read this post! not really but do it anyways.

Wednesday brings me some snow, ice and freezing rain outside, its currently 33 degrees and we have a flood advisory yay fun! but don't worry about me, I am inside at 70 degrees with a chicken carcass cooking in the kitchen to make some soup with and a crock pot full of beans and a ham bone to have with dinner tomorrow. I have decided that a bike ride is in order for today so I will have to dig my bike out of the pile thats left from moving in and hop on for a ride in a bit, I can honestly say that I miss riding it. Did I mention that I feel great about my weight this week? well if I haven't I do! When the week started, or should I say finished, last Friday I weighed in at 369.8 pounds and I felt good that it was below 370 and figured on a slow start and was thinking about that 363 pounds that I had reached back in Nov and how good I felt to be within 13 pounds of 350 and I have a feeling this week will get me pretty close to that mark again. I have stuck to plan all week and have not gone over my caloric allowances and again I feel good for doing so, I almost feel like I have just started losing weight and last year is not a factor, in fact I almost reset my start/current/goal thingy at the top of my page to reflect my starting weight for 2009 but decided against it because it shows what I have accomplished thus far and I am proud of that.

Using my starting weight of 369.8 for 2009 I have a total of 94 pounds left to lose to hit my goal. I watched the biggest loser last night and there was a 19 year old that weighed 454 pounds on this season and he said something that I have thought many times, He said "I could lose 100 pounds and still be obese" and I just smiled when he said it because its how I feel about myself. I have lost more than 165 pounds in the last year and I am STILL considered obese, imagine that! a person losing that much weight and is still obese, its mind blowing I tell ya. In fact when I am at my goal weight of 275 pounds according to the charts and calculators I will still need to lose weight to be a "healthy weight" its a good thing I don't believe everything I read eh? As I watched the show and noticed that I was heavier than a lot of the people on the show this year I commented to my wife that right now this very minute I could be a contestant on that show and I have already lost 165+ pounds, thats just crazy. I also commented that when I hit 300 pounds that I would like to join a gym so that I can start weight training again and that I would love to find a trainer that would push me, I love to be pushed where weights are concerned, I love to get that one extra rep when I thought I was out of gas and I think a trainer like Jillian would be good because she seems heartless where workouts are concerned.

My calories came in at 1690 total for Tuesday and here is a look at the menu.


7:45 AM
2 multigrain english muffins 200
1 oz Turkey pepperoni 70
2 wedges laughing cow 70
sliced tomato 10
1 pickle 5

10:45 AM
1 pear 85

1:30 PM
2 slices whole wheat bread 140
1 T peanut butter 95
1 T jam 50

6:00 PM
Turkey subway 560
2oz pretzels 220

8:00 PM
1 apple 100
1 pear 85

Not so bad I think and I got a couple of pears into the day, some people swear by apples and I dig apples on occasion but if I have the choice between a pear and an apple, it will be a pear every time. Things are moving along so fr this year and I am confident that I will make my June goal along with all other goals that I have set for myself and with that another post ends and I thank you for reading along as a fat guy tries not to be.

Grab that water and get that movement into your day, trust me you will be better off for your efforts.

As Ever

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You have to read this post! not really but do it anyways.
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