Monday, January 19, 2009

Pictures, sleds and almost a goal!

More snow fell on us last night so Wify came up with the idea to meet one of her friends and go sledding this morning, right after I shovel the driveway. We bundled the kiddos up and into the car they went and we get to the hill and I had decided that I was not going to go down on the big tube we had but that did not last long and I said to myself "just one ride down" which turned into about 12 rides down! which means 12 walks back up the hill for me as well. Right after I walked back up after the first trip down I started thinking about how last year I probably wouldn't have went down that hill on the tube and maybe I would have stayed home all together and yet again I had one of those moments that shows me just what I was missing out on at 534 pounds. I then thought about why I was hesitant to go down in the first place, I mean I was there, the hill was there, I had a big ol tube sled thingy and there I stood thinking no way am I going down that hill, when it dawned on me why not? I am not 534 pounds any more and there is NO reason to not go down that hill and a good time was had, relearning how to just do things again instead of going through every outcome (will the tube pop?, will I roll off and tumble down the hill and be the blunt of everyones joke for the next 3 years? will I slide right into the woods because of my weight?) is something thats happening more often these days. My son was annoyed that I slid further than everyone else and kept trying to beat my distance with no success, we all had a good time, and walking back up the hill gave me some movement that was unexpected. I mentioned the possibility of sliding into the woods earlier and I almost made it into a soccer goal that was in the field we were in! here is a couple pictures.

Here I am on the way down the hill, if ya ever see a 358 pound fella sliding down a snowy hill in your direction get out of the way!

Thats where I ended up on that slide down! notice I have the only marks in the snow because I was went about 50 feet further than anyone else's attempt! and almost into the goal.

Sunday I came in under my calories at a total of 1595 for the day. We had turkey burgers for dinner and I seasoned them with Grillmates Hickory, chopped garlic, a shake of Parmesan cheese and topped with lots of veggies and I know that I mention this every time that I post it but that has got to be one of my favorite meals since starting to eat in a healthy manner, unfortunately I did not get a picture of the meal. Here is a look at the menu from Sunday.


9:15 AM
1 Banana 105
1 tablespoon Peanut Better 95

11:00 AM
6.5 oz Grilled Chicken 350

2:15 PM
1 can progresso soup 160
1 pear 85

6:15 PM
8 oz Ground Turkey 320
2 80 Cal Rolls 160
brussel sprouts 100
Onion/Pickle/Tomato/Lettuce/Ketchup 55
green salad 45
1 T newmans own salad dressing 35

9:45 PM
1 pear 85

Over all things are looking good this week where movement and intake are concerned, today I did indulge in some hot chocolate when we got in from sledding and I have a feeling that I will go over on calories today if not come real close to doing so because of bad planning this morning with intake, but I will attempt to keep it under. The week is off to a decent start and a fun morning was had, I plan on riding the bike a bit later today and I may do a bit more time for the next few days just to kick it up a bit. That concludes this latest edition of as the fat guy turns, I thank you for reading along and don't forget your glass of H2O!

As Ever

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Pictures, sleds and almost a goal!
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