Monday, December 8, 2008

Soreness and some pictures of why.

After a Long weekend Monday is here and I wish I could say that I had an awesome weekend where nutrition is concerned, but I can't. I have been eating take out food pretty much all weekend mostly so that we could keep on moving forward with the projects in the new place, and I know that I am not drinking as much as I should be. I can say that I am sore from the tips of my toes right on up to my head! man this painting, wrecking, rebuilding, cleaning and on and on is a lot of work! I have sore on top of sore and I don't know if its just a lot of work or if I am not as active as I thought I was! I am honestly having a lot of fun making this new place ours and I think its starting to look more like "Us" as far as the colors etc go. I thought even though it is not weight loss related that I would pop a couple pictures up of our progress.

This is a shot out the bay window in the living room, we had snow yesterday and you can see that the half frozen lake is now covered in the white stuff, I like the view out this window.

This is the Living room, we are not a fan of bright yellow so we went with a color called "Spiced Gingerbread" and that second picture shows a first coat so its blotchy, the trim in this room will be a color called "Bittersweet Chocolate", we did finish this room and it looks great but the batteries died on the camera so we didn't get any shots of the completed walls.

This closet really turned out nicer than I expected it to, when we first saw this room we thought we would take the whole closet out of the room as it was only some clap board nailed up against some braces. It really took up more room than we wanted to lose in the room but after thinking about it we decided to keep the inner half in tact and brace it up and put new trim on it and keep a closet in this bedroom. We will be adding a curtain in front of it instead of a door for simplicities sake. though its still green in the room it is less of a pale green and the color we chose is called "Frosted Pine"

So you can see we have been very busy around here but as I mentioned it is taking a toll on the weight loss progress because of the take out food factor. we did buy some apples and bananas and are keeping them at the new place as snacks, and I have a small supply of Arizona diet green tea on hand at the new place as well so it is not all bad! but yesterday for instance I had a Chicken parm grinder for lunch and then because it was late and we have kept the supplies down at home I had Mcdonalds for dinner yuck! Today I am going to be home all day so I will be under 1700 calories for sure, I will also drink double water today to try and make up for the weekend a bit and help hydrate my aching muscles.

Some more good news is that we ended up with an extra room that we have no need for so it will become a rec room slash exercise room of sorts, My daughter calls it "The Yoga Room" because Wify told her that she was putting her yoga equipment in there so they can do it together. My stationary bike will go in that room along with my free weights as well along with a couple desk top computers to keep the kiddos busy while we get movement into our days. The room has a view out the back into the wooded area behind our back yard and trough the front window is a view of the lake so a nice place to exercise or relax with some yoga for Wify. There are lots of places to walk at the new place as well, from all of the rural up and down roads to the wooded area behind the house where a hike would be a possibility as well.

As always if you have made it this far into my post you deserve a glass of water so slide out from behind your desk, get on up off of your behind and go grab a glass! I myself have a gallon of green tea sitting beside me and am half way through it and I am only 2 hours into my day! look for more update pics on the house and of course updates on how I am doing on my weight loss, Thanks for reading and more than thanks for the support that you give with your comments and emails.

As Ever

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