This weekend was less than a good thing where intake comes into the equation, but first let me mention that Saturday I did ride my bike split into two rides to make good on my bike challenge, now let me get to the bad. Friday My calories were fine right up until dinner time when somehow ordering a pizza became a good idea, I figured it was a weigh in day and I was coming off of two good weeks so why not, bamn! 20 minutes later a bacon pizza and cheesy garlic bread from a local pizza house was on the table. though the pizza probably should not have been in my plan it was and I don't think it brought me too far above my daily intake allotment, but above none the less. then later in the evening it was movie time, Wify rented Run fat boy Run, I recommend this movie! it was funny in that subtle humor kind of way as well as that just plain old funny kind of way, anyways back to being a bad boy. Wify made our signature Giant bowl of popcorn to munch on during the movie and that certainly brought me above my caloric range for the day.

Saturday, started out ok and I rode the bike for the first 36 minutes after breakfast which was a Banana with peanut butter on it with a diet mountain dew, and the remanding 33 minutes was done after lunch and intake was average for a Saturday and somewhere along the way it was decided that we would head on over to my Mother in Laws and have dinner, now this is usually not a bad idea and she usually cooks a nice balanced meal but we all decided that ordering from, yes you guessed it the Pizza house would be a good idea. I ended up having a Chicken Parmesan grinder and a slice of pizza for dinner with a side of 3 Guinness's and some E&J Brandy. Have I yet mentioned the fact that drinking anything that resembled water or Green tea was pretty much not there since about mid day Friday. So on top of eating poorly I had not been drinking correctly, see Guinness and Brandy above. Dessert on Saturday was some sort of quadruple chocolate fudge cake filled with chocolate pudding and topped with mini Hershey's bars and you just know that I had a piece of that right before another Guinness & Easy Jesus.
Sunday, I had decided to get things together intake wise and wouldn't say that I failed miserably or anything but it was not good either. I pretty much stayed within my calorie range almost all day besides a couple pieces of chocolate candy, oh my! and then we decided to go grab an extra Turkey to put in the freezer for after Thanksgiving, Hey who can pass up $.48 per pound Fresh young turkey right? so we got a nice 26 pounder that will likely get canned at some point. while we were at the Supermarket Wify bought some double chunky chocolate chip cookies to bake for the kiddos and well, my daughter just couldn't wait so at 8:00 pm into the oven they went and 16 to 18 minutes later a plate full of moist chocolaty goodness staring me down, Two cookies and a glass of milk later I was done for the weekend.

Which brings us to Now, Monday morning, There are ships holding in port and I have eaten a banana with a Tablespoon of peanut butter on it for breakfast and I just finished my first 32oz of green tea for the day, I have three days to rehydrate myself and get back on track so that I can totally toss the plan out the window again for Thanksgiving day. I am up in weight today and I mean up! but I am fairly sure that it is more just water weight from me not staying properly hydrated all weekend and the fact that I ate lots of cheese and drank some beer and brandy so I am not really worried about it. Just because I threw caution into the wind and dug into some of the good stuff this weekend doesn't mean that I have failed at this weight loss game and it doesn't mean that I have to start over, hell its not even a case of falling off of the wagon, I just enjoyed my weekend without worrying about eating properly, thats just called life and it happens. I am back on track for at least the three days it will take for Thanksgiving to get here and then I am not counting a single calorie and I am not worrying for a single second about whether I am drinking enough or eating the right thing for a day.
Hows that for a plan?
Thanks for following along, as for the drink of water today goes, I think I will drink a glass for you and for me now! God knows I need it today.