I have been playing around with my green tea recipe and have struck gold as far as flavor goes, anyone that reads my blog daily knows that I drink green tea every day and as much as I can get into my cup! but buying the pre-made gallons of Arizona Diet Green tea was starting to get expensive at an average of $3.00 per gallon and the price has creeped up to $3.19 per gallon locally in many stores so I went back to brewing my own again to save a few bucks. I make the tea right in the Arizona tea bottles that are 1 gallon, I fill the bottle with hot water straight from the tap and I use 3 different kind of tea bags to get the flavor that I like, here is my secret recipe. I use 2 Arizona green tea w/ginseng tea bags, 1 generic green tea bag bought from a local Chinese market (this tea has a strong flavor compared to the Arizona brand bags) and 2 Black tea bags, thats it! put all five bags into the mouth of the gallon bottle and place the cap back on and leave it alone for about an hour to an hour and a half and bamn! a gallon of fresh green/black tea, and last night I stumbled on something that makes this blend nothing less than exceptional to the pallet. I usually cool the tea on the counter until its slightly more than room temperature and then into the refrigerator it goes until cold and to drink it I pour it into a large glass and add splenda to taste but as I said last night I figured out something simple that adds so much to the flavor! ready for this? lime, thats right plain old lime juice squeezed into the splenda laced tea. We had some limes left over from a six pack of Guinness that we bought (I have a recipe for that too) and rather than let them go bad I decided to slice one in half and squeeze some into my tea, now this might not seem like a ground breaking idea or recipe but man if I could bottle this stuff for retail I know it would sell! lime will be going into all of my green tea from this point forward and I think anyone out there that drinks green tea should give this a try.

Yesterday I rode my stationary bike for 35 minutes total and I did 40 push ups, I mentioned in my last post that I was upping the exercise again and I am doing just that. I want to start off slower than full on and thats why it was only 40 push ups and the bike ride is what to expect as I feel that 30 minutes is enough for cardio, especially since I am going to be adding more ST. I wanted to get a walk in this afternoon but its decently windy outside or as the man in the plastic box says "blustery" and still low 40's and having my daughter to bring along I am not sure its a good Idea today for her sake, I will ride the bike for sure and there is a possibility that I will get in a solo walk when wify gets home and can keep the kiddo cozy inside.

This week started off rocky where intake is concerned, I ate that chicken parm grinder on Saturday and I had pizza for lunch on Sunday but even with that said I expect to have an ok week this week where a loss comes into the equation, why? because its what I want so its what I am going to have and next week will be better! my last entry mentioned that I need to lose an average of 4 pounds per week if I am to hit that new goal I set for myself of losing 200 pounds in 2008, that 4 pound average does not include this week so whatever I get this week is extra and ort of like bonus poundage towards that goal and I am going to work for that edge. somehow I have become entirely driven to hit this goal and lost that 200 pounds by years end and I am unsure where the push came from but I am glad its here and know that I will do whatever I can to hit that mark.
To sum it all up, Green tea plus black tea with a shake of Splenda plus lime equals nectar of the gods, I am going to be one sore and sweaty individual in the next couple months and I am going to need every ounce of determination to hit my goal of 200 pounds gone in a year. compare that to last year at this time and you get, Cherry coke equals nectar of the gods, the sore and sweaty part was probably still true but for different reasoning and 200 pounds gone was a pipe dream as I was believing about a surgery to cure my ills. My oh my what a year can do.