I totally forgot to post this morning! so a late post it shall be and a weigh in is lurking in the next few hours, I do not expect to have lost much with the week that I have had, I have been out to dinner twice, have had cake twice and there was even a sundae in there at one point. exercise was all but not there with me riding the bike a total of one time this week, if I have a loss its not because of anything that I did.
On a different note I have been worrying about the loose skin issue a lot lately but there is something at work in that area of my body. Something that I do not post on this blog is that I take bi monthly photos of myself for comparison purposes and the last one that was taken was on August 12th so it was time for the beginning month photo, and when I put them together I noticed that the picture taken on the first has a noticeable difference in the way I look and more so how I am shaped. in the month of August I lost a total of 11 pounds and in July the total was 16 pounds so a 27 pound difference in the last 2 months total and if I were looking at photos that were taken two months apart and a total of 27 pounds I would think "oh ok its a 27 pound difference and two months" but we are talking about a 20 day difference and on August 15th I weighed in at 394 pounds which is only a 5 pound difference from the 12th to the first and yet the difference in the two photos is clear and obvious. I would post the pictures up to show you exactly what I mean but I take the bi monthly photos in my skivvies and shirtless and I would not want to subject any of you to that sort of thing. So, with all of that aid I feel as if maybe the difference in the way it all looks to me is that skin is shrinking slowly but surely and that is why I appear to be in photos smaller. now is this even possible? hell if I know, but I do know that the 4x shirts that I just bought within the last couple months fit looser on me already and a significant amount of weight has not been lost in that same time period. maybe someone with some experience on this subject can chime in and let me know if I am crazy or not.
but alas children call so I must end this post here, check in tomorrow for the weigh in post and until then keep on keepin on.

but alas children call so I must end this post here, check in tomorrow for the weigh in post and until then keep on keepin on.
As Ever
Better late than never!