Monday, June 2, 2008

The Monday after

Monday is here and back to business I must go, Saturday we did our beginning of the month bulk shopping trip, and Sunday we went to my Mother in laws house for dinner which proved to be a relaxing day that took me completely off of my regularly scheduled intake plan. Saturday I came in at calories, though I do not know exactly how many I had on Saturday because of some late night popcorn, the calories on my excel sheet say 1095 and I would be very surprised if I had more than 400 calories worth of popcorn so I will call Saturday under calories, we watched "The Pianist" with Adrian Brodey, it is an older flick but I have to say that it was one of the best movies I have seen in a while, I really enjoyed it a lot, if you have not seen it I would recommend it for sure, its the story of a Jewish Pianist and how he survived Warsaw during the Nazi invasion. it is a little bit of a long movie, about 2 and a half hours but very much worth the time in my opinion 9.5 out of 10, and here is the menu for Saturday.


11:00 AM
3/4 of a zone bar 175

12:00 PM
1 banana 105
1 tbsp peanut butter 95

2:30 PM
1 pear 85

6:30 PM
6oz deli turkey 180
3 slices whole wheat bread 210
1oz tings 160
1.5 tbsp miracle whip 45
sliced tomato 15
ketchup 15
large dill pickle 10

10:00 PM
Big ol bowl of popcorn

Sunday was a bad day for the intake, Breakfast was a deli turkey sandwich at around 10:30 am followed by a zone bar on the way out the door around noon, My wife bought a coffee coolata from dunkin donuts around 2:00 pm and I drank at least 1/4 of that while driving around looking at a house my mother in law may be buying, upon getting back to my Mom in laws place her boyfriend offered me a beer and I turned him down until he was pouring his and he made the offer again, it was a Belgium wheat beer that has hint of orange to it and was served like a Corona, except an orange slice in place of the lime, its a very light smooth beer and the orange...well lets just say 5 beers later I was sitting by the fire pit in the back yard making and consuming smores, doh! Dinner was the same because it was post beer, I did not count what I ate and I did just eat pretty much what I wanted to, Shrimp and Scallop shishkabobs and BBQ chicken, sweet potatoes, corn on the cob and a salad, hey what can I say? its nice to indulge once in a while. I won't pretend to be able to even take a close guess at what my intake was for Sunday so it shall remain an unknown.

I hope everyone else had as nice a weekend as I did I hope not as calorie filled but thats another story. everything is still on track with the weight loss otherwise and because of this weekend I am going to take it easy this week with the intake and try and eat as good as possible to try and counteract some of the bad intake from Sunday. look for a recipe on here very soon, maybe a little later this afternoon. keep on keepin on and remember that its only life, enjoy it while ya can.

As Ever

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