Thursday, May 15, 2008

Don't worry be happy Mon'

Skipping exercise yesterday was hard for me, but I did it. No bike ride, no walking, no calisthenics, no anything that remotely looked like exercise. I am not sore any more and I weigh the same as I did on Friday, so hopefully worse case scenario I break even for my weight this week. The weather is not good today and I wanted to go to the park with my daughter, I guess that will have to wait until the weekend, because it is suppose to rain on and off today and tomorrow. At least a bike ride will be in my future today, I will also do some light work with the free weights so I am happy about that.

Last night I was taking a shower and when I came out I walked into my room and noticed that I had nothing to put on, so I started looking through a drawer and found a pair of Pajama bottoms that haven't fit me since they were new, and they didn't even fit then. so I thought why not, lets try them on just for fun. I 100% thought they would pull up but be too tight to actually wear comfortably, I was wrong and in fact I am wearing them as I type this! I am very happy that these pj bottoms fit me because they did not fit just a month and a half ago. while I am on the subject of clothing I thought I would also mention that I have nothing that fits me correctly right now, maybe a couple of shirts, but for the most part my shirts are either too big now or not quite big enough, when I make it down one more size I will have shirts a plenty but for now I am swimming in half of them and the others look like my little brothers stuff. I did try on a button up shirt that I have, and it fits again! this is my favorite "nice" shirt that I own, there is nothing especially amazing about it other than its a good color for me and when it fit It looked good on me and the last time it fit was in the year 2000 or 2001, and I know this because there is a photo of me wearing it at Thanksgiving either 2000 or 2001 so saying that I am smaller than I have been in about 7 years is an honest statement! which brings me to pants, when I started off I was wearing a size 56 jeans (I wear them below my gut) and I now for the most part wear 52 (because its what I have most of) but 50's fit me just fine, in fact I need a belt to keep the 50's up and that belt has 6 holes that I had to punch in it because it is too big as well. I have a ton of size 46 stuff but zero in 48 and I am coming up on size 48 soon I think. I hate to think about buying pants in 48 when I know that I will not wear them for long, but summer time is coming and I will need at least a few pair of shorts what to do what to do. Now that I have bored you with my clothing dilemma here is the menu for Wednesday.


8:30 AM
4oz deli turkey 120
2 slices whole wheat bread 140
1 tbsp miracle whip 35
sliced tomato 10

12:00 PM
1 small apple 60

2:15 PM
1 can campbells soup 240
1 whole wheat english muffin 100
sliced tomato 10
omega 3 spread 20

3:45 PM
1oz tings 160

6:15 PM
4oz deli turkey 120
2 slices whole wheat bread 140
1 tbsp miracle whip 35
sliced tomato 10
1/2 gallon blueberry green tea 40

8:15 PM
zone bar 200

Grand total of 1440 calories for the day, and I had to eat a zone bar later in the day to make up some calories, other than eating late it wasn't a bad day. it was in fact a Turkey kind of day as you can see but I love it so thats ok, gotta watch the sodium in the deli meats but I was still ok for the day. my weight has come back to what I was on Friday and I'm rockin my new old Jammies, all is well in my world for today.

As Ever

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Don't worry be happy Mon'
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