Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day something or other

I had a good day a far as intake went for yesterday, the calorie count was at 1335 total for the day and I ate often. My weight seems to be staying the same this week, if I have a 1 lb loss I will be happy with it, this morning I woke up at 430 lbs which is the same as Fridays weigh in, Saturday I was 429 and I would be willing to bet if I weigh myself this afternoon I will be closer to 428, I always weigh less in the early afternoon than any other time in the day which seems odd to me but it is what it is.

I took a comparison photo Monday night because it has been a long while since the last one (2nd week in April) and I photo shopped it together with my original pic from Jan 06 2008 and it brought a smile to my face to see the huge difference, my face looks almost completely different and if you were to ask me, I would say that I never looked like the first picture. unfortunately the original pic was taken in my skivvies and shirtless and I am not bold enough to post them up on this blog...yet. I try and take at least one compare photo per month and I have been photo shopping them together each month to see the differences, I am very happy that I thought to do this in the beginning so I now have a photographic time line to look back on when I hit my goal of 275 lbs. I was also going through my jeans to separate the larger sizes from the smaller etc and because I got use to how the 48's and 50's look and feel when I pick them up, when I picked up a pair of size 56 and held them out they looked extremely large to me compared to what I am wearing now and like the face pic, I cannot believe that I use to wear them, and without the aid of a belt even! Here is the menu for Tuesday.


9:15 AM
1 banana 105
1 tbsp peanut butter 95

12:00 PM
14 oz water melon 126

3:00 PM
progresso soup 120
3/4 cups white rice 150

5:45 PM
1 can tuna 150
3 slices whole wheat bread 210
1 tbsp miracle whip 35
7oz sweet potato fries 175
ketchup 20
dill pickle 10

6:45 PM
6 oz watermelon 54

8:00 PM
1 pear 85

All is well and I am roasting a chicken for dinner tonight with BBQ and garlic flavors, we will have baked sweet and cut green beans with butter and pepper as sides, or maybe a salad instead of the beans, either way it will be good I am sure. its about noon now and beautiful outside so I am on my way out to play in the yard with the kiddo for a bit before her nap and then its time for some exercise and some lunch so I will end this post here for now, maybe I will be back for an early evening post. until then eat well, exercise often and don't give into any urges, after all...its your mind, don't let your stomach be the one in control.

As Ever

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