Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day 79

Zipity doo da, and the band plays on. a quote to start the day off "The best preparation for tomorrow is to do today's work superbly well." -Sir William Osler- this defines me currently. As everyone knows I am almost 500 lbs, if I expect to see instant results I will fail. don't get me wrong I do see results, my clothing fits better, I feel better blah blah blah, BUT I am not instant oatmeal, I am not going to be amazingly svelte in a few weeks, its just not gonna happen. so whats a fella to do? welp the only thing that can be done, push through anything that comes my way and stay on the path of the straight and narrow where my eating and health is concerned. Boom! its crystal clear and has been for a while now that this is what I need to do to stay healthy and be around for a very long time. Things are great and weight is falling, my wife looks incredible because she is following the same regimen that I am (almost) and we both feel better. I don't know where I heard it but I once heard someone say "I can't lose 100 lbs" and then a response was "but I can lose 10 lbs 10 times" hmmmm that makes sense.

I write in this blog daily and I eat good foods every day along with exercise, and I take a photo every 2 weeks. I photo shop the new picture each week next to the original picture that was taken on Jan 6 2008, I looked at the picture from last weekend next to the one from Jan and I have to admit there is a noticeable difference. but the difference that I am most impressed with is the fact that I do not get out of breath walking around any more, so there are a ton of benefits to this thing besides just being smaller.

Hope is the last thing a person does before they are defeated, is something Henry Rollins said, I feel this statement couldn't be truer. a person can hope or wish or just plain old want something real bad and guess ain't gonna happen unless you just do it. I have come to this realization where my weight is concerned and I will not hope I lose weight any more, I will just work at it until its gone. I will not fail.

with that I give you the menu.


7:45 AM
1 Dannon lite yogurt 60

10:00 AM
2 slices whole wheat bread 140
1 can tuna 160
1 tbsp miracle whip 35
2oz sliced tomato 10

12:30 PM
5 ritz crackers/tuna left over 70

3:00 PM
lean cuisine 180
3/4 cup white rice 150

6:00 PM
2 slices whole wheat bread 140
1 can tuna 160
1 tbsp miracle whip 35
1 pat butter 35
1oz Vermont white cheddar 110
5 wheat ritz 70

9:45 PM
1 dannon lite yogurt 60

Grand total of 1415 calories for the day, and I know what I have to do to keep it going in a downward direction. with that, I end todays post and thank you all again for following along.

As Ever

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Day 79
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